WINTER STORM, severe FLOODING in CROTONE. Photos and videos «3B Meteo


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The entrance of scandinavian cold currents in the central Mediterranean formed a deep cyclonic circulation that on Friday it slipped through the Tyrrhenian area to position itself in the early hours of this Saturday morning in the Strait of Sicily. the effects from the wave of bad weather that followed were serious for Ionian Calabria hit by a real one flash flood in Crotone. From midnight in the city fell until 200 mm of rain And still raining. The roads have become rivers and the low areas are finished. literally under water with different people trapped for whose rescue it was necessary timely intervention of the fire department. The wave of mud then reached the coast submerging everything, including numerous commercial activities closed by theCoronavirus emergency

Severe bad weather also caused a disruption of rail traffic, the Sibari-Catanzaro line was suspended in the vicinity of Crotone until further notice. The situation unfortunately it is still in full evolution because it’s still raining in the area and the budget for the flood is still unclear. In the next few hours we will gradually make the point with i New updates.

Does bad weather only hit Italy or other parts of Europe? Find out the expected weather in Europe and in the world.

To know in real time where it is raining or snowing, check our Radar section, with real-time images of rainfall both nationally and regionally.

The wave of bad weather will be accompanied by sustained winds that will sweep through different areas of our Peninsula. For all the details, see our wind maps.

Will incoming rains improve air quality in our cities? To understand what the concentrations of the main pollutants will be like, visit the pollutants section.

How long will bad weather last? All the details in the Italian weather section.

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