Bologna, December 2, 2020 – The Coronavirus I change too reduction. L ‘Emilia romagnain fact postpone one month the period of discounts that will start on January 30, 2021. The decision (made yesterday by the Marche Region) was made today by Region, after the meeting with representatives of local authorities, consumer organizations, the most representative associations of the sector and trade unions.
Covid today: the newsletter in Emilia Romagna – Emilia Romagna yellow zone from Sunday 6 December
A necessary measure to give a respite to commercial companies, particularly retail stores. Clothes and shoes, struggling with the serious difficulties related to the coronavirus. When moving the date of the balances, The ban on promotional sales will also be postponed. which will therefore cease to be activated as of December 6.
And there is more: in the thirty days that precede the start of the winter sales, in an extraordinary way and with prior approval of the Legislative Assembly, will even be suspended prohibition of promotional sales of clothing, footwear, underwear, clothing accessories, leather goods and fabrics for clothing and furniture.
“We intervened once more, after the postponement of the summer sales – explains theRegional Councilor for Trade, Andrea Corsini -, with a measure shared with the territories, to give companies an extra tool to recover the autumn-winter season, penalized by the prolongation of the health emergency and by the limitations to the movement of people with the location of our region in orange zone“.” It is one more lever that aims to sustain sales in the period and that – he specifies – must be accompanied by ad hoc economic measures“.
Satisfied merchants
The Region’s decision was enthusiastically welcomed by Confcommercio Er Federmoda. The Covid emergency, the acronym emphasizes, “is putting a the resilience of the neighborhood business system is extremely difficult and in particular the entire fashion chain: it is therefore necessary to find a way to strengthen the pact that unites the store with the consumer, trying to extend the period of purchase opportunities as much as possible. ”“ We want to thank the Region and in particular to councilor Corsini – comments Marco Cremonini, regional president and national vice president of the Italian Fashion Federation – for having guaranteed the regulatory context that we believe can support and favor the recovery of a sector, that of fashion, devastated by the Covid emergency. Therefore, it is possible, pending sales at the end of January, immediately activate promotional sales“.
Lukewarm consumers
But not everyone is in favor of the Viale Aldo Moro arrangement. For him consumer associations Addiconsum, Adoc, Federconsumatori, Lega Consumatori and Udicon, the old sales system of the first Saturday of January “guaranteed everyone, entrepreneurs and consumers.” The first effect of the balances of January 30 – argue the associations, will be the chaos generated by the fact that many Regions will adopt or have already adopted even radically different measures, with the risk of promote interregional mobility of consumers in a decidedly complicated period. “The second effect, the associations foresee,” is the impossibility for consumers to realize whether the promotions of December and January it will actually be actual or marketing operations – a poster or little elseThe alternative proposal of the consumer associations contemplated balances as of January 15 and promotional sales allowed only in the previous 15 days. A mediation proposal – they explain -, which unfortunately was rejected by Councilor Corsini ”.
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