WINTER 2020/2021, the hopes of SNOW depend on the POLAR VORTICE. Here’s why and the TREND »


Weather: WINTER 2020/2021, SNOW hopes depend on the POLAR VORTICE. Here’s why and the TREND

WINTER 2020/2021: snow hopes in the hands of the Polar Vortex WINTER 2020/2021: snow hopes in the hands of the Polar Vortex There are still a few monthsWINTER but, thanks to climate projections and the behavior of some atmospheric figures, we can begin to get a general idea of ​​the type of season that awaits us. In particular, in recent times it has become increasingly apparent how the snow hopes and the cold depend on POLAR VORTICE. Let’s find out right away what it is, why by drawing one first TREND based on the latest updates from the European center.

the Polar vortex is a large low pressure area what a semi-permanent station on it North Pole and within which allcold air that is continuously produced in the Arctic ice sheet and which finds its way out through the depression centers heading south and then to the Mediterranean (and Italy), driving bad weather and a drastic drop in temperatures.

the behavior of the polar vortex it’s not always the same and the cold season fate in fact they are in your hands movements:

if it is strong and compact, the cold is confined to the North Pole, reason why in Italy A stable climate with high pressures and frequent gentler air attacks is to be expected.

– However the The vortex can sometimes literally dividing into two or more parts, moving with its load of very cold and unstable air to the south. In this case the probability that waves of frost and snow will also reach our Peninsula would increase considerably.

On what does this second and more interesting possibility depend? The cause of this crack of the Polar vortex you must search in the entry of much warmer air into the upper atmosphere, in technical terms stratagem.

Is it the right time to experience an old-fashioned winter with low snow? What do the projections of the European center say for the next one? cold season?

According to the latest updates from the european center, in general, we will have to deal with an anomaly in the temperature range of approximately + 1 ° C (as we can see from the map below) compared to classic reference averages. For the time being, therefore, winter could become in the line of the last seasons, also due to ongoing climate change which sees a change over time and a constant increase in thermal values.

We will therefore see how the vortex will behave in the next winter season which, without a doubt, in last years, was often disappointing for lovers of cold me Name, with very few opportunities compared to the past (until the 1980s).

Temperatures up to + 1 ° C compared to reference meansTemperatures up to + 1 ° C compared to reference means
