Willy’s murder, towards new suspects: in the crosshairs of the prosecutors who called in the whites as reinforcements in the fight


The suspects for the murder of Willy Monteiro Duarte could increase. The Velletri Prosecutor’s Office and the Colleferro Carabinieri are now focusing on the people who were in the company of Gabriele and Marco Bianchi, Mario Pincarelli and Francesco Belleggia (all accused of voluntary aggravated homicide due to futile causes) on the night of 5 to 6 of September.

Rebuilt from Corriere della Sera and of Delivery courieror, after some tests on the Audi Q7 of the Bianchi brothers – which made it possible to reconstruct who was on board – Omar S., Michele C., Vittorio Edoardo T. and Matteo B. are now under investigation. The latter, already investigated for lack of rescue, is the one who usually acts as the “driver” of the targets during their outings aboard the SUV. The other two, however, were seen fleeing in the car immediately after the murder.

Michele C. and Omar S. were also seen arriving with the Whites that same night. Both run the risk of being accused of complicity, but for now it is not clear whether or not they participated in the fight that broke out at first between Belleggia and Pincarelli and some boys from Colleferro. As told by the Biachi brothers, it was Michele C. who called them as reinforcement in Colleferro.

As for Matteo B., who has already been heard in the barracks, what is known is related by witnesses: as he himself confirmed, he would have tried to calm and arrest one of the Bianchi brothers during the attack and Willy.

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