Published on: 09/09/2020 5:15 PM
“Willy was lying on the ground, 4 or 5 hit him with kicks and punchesThis is the testimony of a friend of Willy Monteiro in the car regarding the murder of the young man, murdered in Colleferro on the night from Saturday to Sunday. The testimony is contained in the order of the Velletri investigating judge who ordered the arrest in prison for Marco and Gabriele Bianchi and Mario Pincarelli and house arrest for Francesco Belleggia.
“Seeing how heated the fight was and the beginning of a spinone between Federico and the two boys, I approached them and tried precisely to dissuade Willy from taking an interest in the story, adding that it seemed appropriate to go home. Willy followed the flow and they went in. Towards his car, a gray Fiat Punto parked a few meters from where we were, ”says a witness present at the time of the attack that took the life of the 21-year-old.
“Without Willy and I being able to realize what was happening, we were attacked by some boys, among whom I immediately recognized the two who were talking to Frederick Willy’s friend. I remember the image of Willy lying on the ground and – continues the witness – the boys who beat him violently with kicks and punches. My protective instincts pushed me to throw myself on Willy to try to protect him from the blows he was receiving yelling at the attackers that Willy and I had nothing to do with what had possibly happened before. “
“All my requests ended in a vacuum so much so that I myself was hit by kicks and punches always by the same guys who attacked Willy. I cannot quantify the time of the attack, but I can say that the violence of the blows” suffered “by me And Willy was unprecedented in violence. “
“Before they hit me, I can say that the four people I described actively participated in the aggression against my friend Willy by kicking punches. I even remember that while my friend Willy lay on the ground the attackers continued to pass him with his feet up” says the ordinance, where the story of a witness is related.
“Someone yelled at me that my friend Willy, involved in the confusion, was lying on the ground and I, making space between the people, noticed Willy on the ground on the sidewalk with spasms like convulsions. Around him there was a crowd of people and I remember that someone tried to help him and revive him ”, is the testimony of Federico, Willy Monteiro Duarte’s friend.
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