
the Basic income that takes Ruggero bianchi, the father of the brothers Gabriele me Framework, two of the four Artena boys charged with the murder of Willy Monteiro Duarte, is increased since it formally depends on the two children unemployed, as does his wife Simonetta. And the grant would also benefit the families of the other two defendants, Mario Pincarelli and Francesco Belleggia. The figure that the four of Colleferro’s herd would have improperly received as citizenship income is around 33 thousand euros. Based on what they learned, Marco and Gabriele Bianchi, Francesco Belleggia and Mario Pincarelli, allegedly “did not indicate the required data in the self-certifications collected, thus creating the conditions to access the benefit.” For this reason, the Guardia di Finanza de Colleferro denounced them for violating the law that regulates the income of
citizenship to the Velletri prosecutor and reported them to the INPS for the collection of the sums and, therefore, the revocation. Out of a total of more than 33 thousand euros obtained from the accused, 28,747 thousand euros must be recovered.
This is what arises from the first results of the Financing of Colleferro who investigates the standard of living and income of the two brothers, experts in MMA, mixed martial arts, obsessed with the cult of the body and the good life. And who liked to flaunt luxury among racing cars on two wheels, SUVs, valuable watches, trips, photos of boats and designer clothes.
All appearance
«All appearances – explained older brother Alessandro in front of his large white villa with palm trees and protective chambers – we are also slowly building this house.». Perhaps, but investigators are determined to understand how the two Bianchi brothers were able to afford cars, dinners, clubs and even a kind of personal “driver”, Vittorio Edoardo T., under investigation for failing to rescue, who accompanied them on all their rounds. .
The suspect
The suspicion is that the two, with police records including for drugs, could be part of a tour of pushers and pushers and that, thanks to their bravado and ability to hit, they managed to get more than their share. “We took the whites out of our gym because they were known to be violent and dangerous – the owner of a gym in Lariano confided – but they influenced many fragile boys by their ability to achieve everything immediately.” They got something, therefore, also thanks to the citizenship income for people in difficulty that their father took from them.
Willy Monteiro, Bianchi brothers framed by a photo: in a black car with two women after the beating
Willy Monteiro, hunting four friends of the whites: after the fight they fled with them
Last update: September 17 at 4:07 pm