Willy Monteiro beaten to death. Anger on the detainees’ social profiles: “You are scum”


“I hope you die badly”, “you don’t deserve to be in the world”, “you suck”. Hundreds of comments of anger and disdain run on social media. No one accepts the absurd death of Willy Monteiro, 21, of Cape Verdean origin, beaten to death in Colleferro for intervening in defense of a friend. This is your “fault”. A case of news that does not give peace and among many also unleashes anger from the keyboard against the alleged murderers.

Francesco Belleggia 21 years old, Mario Pincarelli 22 years old and the brothers Gabriele and Marco Bianchi, 24 and 26 years old. The Velletri Prosecutor’s Office is challenging the four of them for complicity in intentional homicide. They were known between Colleferro and Artena where they were found and detained, both to the police and to their colleagues in the area. “Those two brothers here knew everyone. For two years they have been fighting and hitting in the same way, they have been the authors of other beatings.”. Alessandro, Willy’s friend, tells Ansa. “I had a fight with one of them a few months ago because he was teasing a friend of mine – adds Alessandro – The anger is there because it is not the first time they do this. It could have been avoided. ”

Very bad reputation, that of those who continually flaunted a violent act, with precedents in the drug trade. A band of ruthless forms, feared by many for the continuous aggressive and intimidating attitudes, led by the two brothers Marco and Gabriele Bianchi, experts in martial arts. They practiced MMA, mixed martial arts, a combat sport practiced beyond all limits, loving the crudest violence mixed with hatred.

The muscular bodies, the naked breasts covered with tattoos, were seen in the photos of Facebook, where a publication that dates from just a day ago also appears on Gabriele’s profile. A video shared by the playlist “Fulvio y el toxico” with a couple of monkeys as the main character and smiling emoticons. Under hundreds and hundreds of insults of all kinds.

“May that boy’s spirit haunt you”, “killers”, “human waste”, “cowards”, “you are scum” They are the ones with the softest tones. Alternate with photos of Willy that say “justice.” While many hope that in jail, where they spent the first night, they will make them pay. Gabriele had also been interviewed in the regional news as an entrepreneur model for having opened a greengrocer in the middle of a Covid emergency in the historic center of Cori, a town in the province of Latina on the border with Artena.

No fifth suspect

The magistrate of the Velletri Prosecutor’s Office, the Deputy Prosecutor Paoletti, ordered the validation hearing of the four young detainees, defended by lawyers Massimiliano and Mario Pica and Gino Perugini, for tomorrow morning at 10.30 in the Rebibbia prison in Rome . According to reports from Frosinone Today, the autopsy of the body of the young kitchen assistant was scheduled for Wednesday 9 September at the Tor Vergata Institute of Forensic Medicine and will be carried out by Professor Potenza. The defense, instead, chose Dr. Cirillo as a partisan consultant. On the other hand, as it was initially circulated, there is no fifth investigated. “The suspects are still four and we do not intend to make further statements until the medico-legal investigations are carried out – explained the lawyer Massimiliano Pica – a fifth young man had been arrested but was immediately released. ”

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“The city will pay for Willy’s funeral”

Meanwhile, the mayor of Paliano, the town of origin of the murdered 21-year-old, has announced that the local authority will bear the cost of the young man’s funeral. “We are in constant contact with the President of the Regional Council, Mauro Buschini, and the Vice President of the Region, Daniele Leodori, to support the legal costs that the family will have to face in the long judicial process that awaits us – Alfieri continues – I thank the Region in advance for the sensitivity shown “. “As Administration we are evaluating if it is possible to be a civil party in the process. If so we will – Alfieri concludes – no one will be left alone. ”
