Angela Nicoletti
Well aimed and non-random shots. One, two, three, many, and too many to the point of causing Willy’s death. The autopsy of the body of the 21-year-old kitchen assistant who was beaten to death in Colleferro confirmed the suspicions of the Velletri Prosecutor’s Office that yesterday transformed the hypothesis of a crime against the four detainees from involuntary homicide to voluntary homicide, aggravated for futile reasons.
According to magistrate Luigi Paoletti, the brothers Marco and Gabriele Bianchi, 24 and 26, Francesco Belleggia, 24, and Mario Pincarelli, 22, all experts in martial arts, allegedly beat the young man with the specific objective of killing him. Breaking all hope of life was, again according to the medico-legal investigations carried out by Professor Eugenio Potenza, a very violent blow to the neck. And the executioners of the young Italian-Cape Verdean continued to infer even though he was already on the ground unconscious, with the blood coming out of his mouth and without the strength to say: «Stop, stop …