Willy died with a shattered liver and heart: the shocking autopsy results


“Willy was the victim of a complex trauma that resulted in multiple injurious actions,” writes Tor Vergata’s doctor Saverio Potenza, who was entrusted with the autopsy. At least six injuries were recorded on the face, which also caused brain hemorrhages. But it was the blows to the chest and abdomen that caused irreparable damage: a three-centimeter injury to the heart, injured thoracic aorta, lungs, diaphragm, spleen, pancreas, liver. Nothing was left intact. And it is also very difficult for doctors to be able to establish the exact cause of death. Unable to stop internal bleeding.

Key witness appear? – Investigators continue to collect evidence to try to find out who delivered the fatal blows to Willy. That night, along with the Bianchi brothers, Pincarelli and Belleggia, Vittorio Tondinelli was also taken to the security room. He spoke about what happened but did not stop and his testimony was not collected. But now, days later, he seems to have become the key witness in understanding the exact dynamics of the beating. Added to this is research on telephone cells. It is not ruled out that in the coming weeks other people will be heard and that new names end up in the registry of suspects.
