“Willy died from non-random hits”


The judicial position of the young people accused of the death of Willy Monteiro is aggravated. The Velletri prosecutor has transformed the hypothesis of a crime of involuntary manslaughter into voluntary manslaughter, aggravated by futile causes. Decision adopted by the deputy prosecutor Luigi Paoletti that is derived from the delivery of the brief introductory report drawn up by the forensic doctor Professor Eugenio Potenza who performed the autopsy on Willy Monteiro’s body.


The aggravation of the head against Marco and Gabriele Bianchi, Mario Pincarelli (in prison) and Francesco Belleggia (under house arrest) became necessary after the doctor spoke of ‘inflicted and not random blows’ in the preliminary report and in particular causing the The young man’s death was a blow to the neck.

Willy would then have died as a result of the punches thrown knowing that they would also cause fatal injuries. The investigations of the Colleferro Carabinieri, who with great sharpness and punctuality managed to identify the four attackers, continue unabated.

Meanwhile, today the funeral of the young Cape Verdean Italian kitchen helper will take place in Paliano. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will also be present at the ceremony.

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