The arrest report shows that the Bianchi brothers tried to hide the truck the night Willy Monteiro Duarte died.
Of arrest report Gods Carabinieri arise new details about the night Willy Monteiro Duarte lost his life. According to reports from ‘Corriere della Sera’, that night the brothers Bianchi, accused of voluntary manslaughter, They tried to hide their SUV (to the other Bianchi brother’s wife, Alessandro) in a private parking lot, away from prying eyes.
The report says: “The car was parked at Largo Cristoforo Colombo 2 in a private parking lot owned by others with the clear intention to hide the vehicle“.
According to the military, in fact, there was no reason to leave the car thereAs the car park is 300 meters from the pub where they stopped for a coffee.
A few steps from the restaurant there are two public car parks open and empty at that time, but obviously, writes the ‘Corriere della Sera’, they did not offer enough protection from the gaze of those who were looking for a car.
Willy Monteiro Duarte: what emerged from the interrogations
According to the interrogations carried out by Gabriele Bianchi, Marco Bianchi and Mario Pincarelli, in prison accused of voluntary murder, Willy would not have died after a beating. There would only be one push.
Second instead Francesco Belleggia, under house arrest, Marco would have kicked Willy in the chest.
VIRGILIO NEWS | 09-17-2020 07:00