90 percent of the school’s informants say they are against the hypothesis of going back to face-to-face lessons before Christmas. And most of them are teachers.
Almost 10,000 of the 11,000 readers who participated in the survey School technique They said no to saying goodbye to DaD and returning to the desks in a few days: to express themselves negatively there were the teachers, but also the parents, the Ata staff and a representation of the students.
In large numbers, therefore, they said ‘no’ to going back to school with Covid still ‘alive’ and close to Christmas, in addition to carrying out only ten effective school days before the end of the 2020 holidays.
In favor or oppossing?
Now, is it worth going back to school for just ten days, risking questioning the health results achieved? Obviously not, at least for the vast majority of our readers: up to 89.5% of the more than 11,000 who participated in the survey spoke out against this possibility.
And if 9 out of 10 people, mainly school operators, parents or students, say they oppose the return to class of high schools in the country and red band high and high schools, whoever in the government takes the decision. final decision will necessarily have to. things take this into account
Role of the participants
Among the protagonists of the generalized rejection of the survey there are also families: many consider it more correct to have their children at home, protected at home. Among all those who responded to the survey, in fact, we found 24.4% of parents and 7.7% in the dual role of father-mother and teacher. Therefore, we are talking about a figure that exceeds 32% of those surveyed.
A number that makes you think. Even about the protests in recent days by a group of parents pushing to see the doors of secondary schools and part of the middle schools reopen (we have already discussed the protests of the Priority School Committee): the complaints, therefore, they are not entirely shared. by category.
In summary, although the majority of respondents are teachers (33.5% + 7.7%), an equally interesting part of parents voted for the no to the reopening of schools, proves that December 9 is still a watershed date.
Risk range
Finally, a final consideration refers to the geographical origin of the participants: those most interested in the topic turned out to be readers of orange or red risk areas, as expected, with a small proportion of responses coming from the yellow band.