Will we have to change television next year or next? Calm and chalk. The only certainty is that on July 1, 2022, the digital TV that is already in use (Dvb-T) will be turned off and we will switch to second generation digital television (Dvb-T2).
For now, few have already replaced television, and it is not certain that there will be a race to do so: now the use of audio and video content occurs in a thousand other ways. The stations have already configured their antennas. The scenario in which the entire audience of spectators will not be able to be reached at the starting blocks of T2 is to shake the wrists at the companies.
T2 digital terrestrial: who has to change tv
For the replacement of televisions there is a discount of up to 50 euros for families with Isee up to 20 thousand euros. It is not a substantial help, if you think about how much new generation televisions cost, out of a total availability of 151 million euros, says the Sole 24 Mineral that collects Mise data, “the amount used as of September 16 was 9.8 million – 6.5% of the total – for 196,644 contributions. In particular, the purchase of 175,508 televisions and 21,136 decoders, of which 18,886 enabled for the terrestrial platform and 2,250 only satellite ”.
An investigation by the Ugo Bordoni Foundation shows that of 22.1 million families with a digital terrestrial platform, those who had at least one device capable of receiving DVB-T2 transmissions were 9.39 million or 42.4%, while those who They were not ready yet, there were 12.77 million, that is, 57.6 percent.
There are some critical problems to be solved, such as the discarding of frequencies for local televisions because criteria and certainties for compensation are lacking. Above all, the replacement of household appliances is progressing very slowly. Calls for an effort in communication on the topic Confindustria Radio Televisiones. At the moment no request for postponement has been formalized and it will be necessary to move within the limits of the European Commission directive. On the horizon, a “very aggressive advertising campaign to remind users of the expiration and availability of incentives for TV and decoders.”
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Before the summer break, Mise consulted the same operators about the key messages of the campaign, which will begin towards the end of the year and will go for 40% on television, 35% in newspapers, 15% in radio and 10% with other means from the web.