
There is certainly one of the winners of this election. Giorgia Meloni: Fratelli d’Italia grows in all the regions of Italy, the only party that does it, and there is its signature in the historic and extensive victory in Marche, where the candidate Francesco Acquaroli It has the FdI “seal”. And Meloni reaffirms the concepts expressed hot also in Corriere della Sera, in an interview in which he recalls: “With the 15 center-right regions. The FdI is growing everywhere, the government is no longer strong,” he stresses. For this reason, she insists: “The majority have lost another Region, the MA is being reduced to a minimum, their advantage also. where they won is getting smaller. The left has played with the fear of losing Tuscany as it had done with Emilia Romagna, to make it seem like a victory to reconfirm territories for its historical strongholds. A little game, however, “Meloni emphasizes.

So Meloni reiterates the request for early elections: does it still make sense? “Of course I do – he answers dryly – because it is increasingly evident the misalignment between this Parliament – even numerically after the referendum – and the forces that are part of it. It does not respect the popular will. And it is true that the cut in the number of parliamentarians will have to be completed with a broader constitutional reform, but this House and Senate cannot put an end to it, “he remarks. So, the attack on the Quirinal. When they ask him if he expects it, that is really what Sergio Mattarella can dissolve the Chamber, the leader of FdI hits hard: “What I do not expect is that, on the day of the vote, journalistic reconstructions can come out, not denied by the Quirinale, according to which the Head of State would not have dissolved the Chambers even if we had won in all regions. It is something that amazed me a lot, both in substance, because it would mean ignore the popular willBoth in the method because certain things can weigh in the open ballot box. I was waiting for a denial by the Quirinale of those indiscretions, I am amazed that it did not come ”, Giorgia Meloni concludes regretfully.
