“Why the ban should be maintained”


Rules that prohibit moving even between municipalities during the holidays have been introduced to prevent celebrations from increasing the contagion curve: the danger of a third wave is just around the corner. But are they too rigid? Currently, the restrictions on travel between regions and municipalities included in decree law no. 158 and in the Dpcm of December 3, they establish that:

  • From December 21, 2020 to January 6, 2021, travel between different regions will be prohibited;
  • On December 25 and 26, 2020 and January 1, 2021, travel between different municipalities will also be prohibited (except for proven work needs, situations of need or health reasons);
  • It will always be possible, even from December 21 to January 6, to return to one’s residence, domicile or home.

Movements between municipalities at Christmas: “Why we must maintain the ban”

The issue has been at the center of discussion within the government for days. The rules about travel between prohibited municipalities on the days of Christmas, Boxing and New Years will it change? In these hours a reform to the decree law and the provincial limit (either by kilometers or by inhabitants) is being evaluated, but the government is divided on this, especially since in most there are a “penalty” wing that it would like at all costs to maintain the prohibitions established by the Dpcm December 3 and by Decree Law December 2 n. 158. Nothing has been decided yet, but Giuseppe Conte’s government is forced to face pressure from the regions, from the union of the provinces and also from the members of the majority.

“Yes to the exceptions for travel between small towns, but Parliament takes responsibility”

First Giuseppe Conte He sparked on the possibility of moving from one municipality to another at Christmas, Saint Stephen and New Year: “If Parliament, assuming full responsibility, wants to introduce exceptions in the smallest municipalities, within a limited radius of one kilometer, we will return to this point. Of course Parliament is sovereign. But great caution is needed in any exception. ” Conte, at a press conference from Brussels at the end of the European Council, acknowledged that the limit to travel between municipalities during holidays “creates an objective problem, because it is clear that those who are in a large municipality and are also lucky enough to have relatives have the opportunity to move and have lunch together, while those who live in smaller towns may struggle. “

“For consistency, the government must maintain the travel ban”

On the possibility of reviewing the prohibition of circulation between municipalities on the key days of the Christmas holidays, the professor Andrea Crisanti, who spoke with today “A day of the sheep” On Rai Radio 1, he said: “I don’t think we should agree or disagree because nobody knows what the impact will be. But I am against it, just because the government had already decided that this was a ban and to maintain consistency, it had They had to keep it. Otherwise, they had to think about it first. ” The ban in question, conceived in terms of containing the risk of Covid-19 “was poorly conceived from the beginning – observes the expert from the University of Padua – because there are many municipalities in Italy close to each other, and there are relatives and friends who can to be ten kilometers away ”.

Now, Crisanti asks, “What difference does two days make, in the middle of all this situation now, if now everyone can go where they want? I think it’s a question of people’s responsibility. If people don’t understand that they have to do it. “. be careful and avoid social gatherings, and that living together and eating together is one of the greatest risks, nothing stops them ”. The problem, in fact, “is not to mix more families – says Crisanti -. If the same family group is made up of 8 people who have always lived together, the risk does not increase. If you dine with 8 people from 3 different families.” you are much more at risk. Family units count. “

“In some contexts there are municipalities that are spaced by crosswalks as borders. However, I am aware that Italians, at least according to surveys, for the vast majority say they accept these measures ordered by the Dpcm. Davide Crippa, head of the M5s group in the Chamber, said today to the microphones of Radio Cusano Campus, talking about the possibility of moving between small towns.

“We allow families to be together at Christmas”

Within the government he also took a public position Luigi di maio. “I think it is absurd not to allow relatives who live in small neighboring towns to spend Christmas and New Years together. I say this for a logical question. There are large cities of millions of people with a very high density where it is possible to move freely, while among small towns of a few thousand inhabitants it is not allowed, “wrote the chancellor in a post on Facebook.” This is a problem that must be solved and I hope that all the majority forces agree to find a solution.

“It will already be a Christmas different from the others, where we will all have many limitations and we will have to be even more careful than usual to avoid the spread of the virus, but at least as much as possible we allow families to be together,” Di Maio wrote. Of course, all Citizens will have to act bearing in mind that if we do not respect the anti-Covid rules, therefore masking and distancing, the risk of a third wave materializes. ”“ But with civic sense and responsibility we can spend the holidays with our beings dear ones, “he concluded,” many people, even without legal impositions or obligations, choose every day, in many small daily gestures, to be prudent and respectful. My thanks go. “

Who wants to keep the travel ban between municipalities at Christmas?

On the other hand, the position of the Minister of Health continues to be marked by the utmost prudence, Roberto Speranza. “I have a lot of respect for the parliamentary debate, between now and Christmas there are two weeks, and there is still a piece of discussion, but for me the rules approved by the government are correct,” he said last night in the episode of Porta a Porta. “I would like to say that everything is over but unfortunately it is not like that – Speranza stressed – and the most dramatic number is the number of deaths, today 887. We cannot get used to these numbers, because behind each one of those people there is a life, relatives crying and much pain. We ask Italians for more patience and sacrifices also for this Christmas ”.

“Summer is even less risky than Christmas”

With the colors of the different regions “we are giving spaces of freedom”, and we must “manage to endure these two insidious weeks. The experience of the summer also scares me because unfortunately many have thought that the game was won and that the Covid. Then we saw what happened. And summer is even less risky than Christmas, because, for climatic reasons, traditionally it is a lot outdoors and contagion is more difficult. On the other hand, during the Christmas holidays it is clear that we tend to stay indoors, often also having difficulty ventilating due to low temperatures. So we really need to keep the point. “

“Better a closure, we still have too many deaths”

Pierpaolo Sileri, Deputy Minister of Health, also opposes the hypothesis of reviewing the regulations on travel between municipalities at Christmas provided for by decree and Dpcm. “Today I say that a closure is better. Yesterday we had more than 800 dead, we have 60 thousand dead, maybe we will reach 100 thousand. We have to resist, what does it cost us to resist another two weeks? But I think that now it is not advisable to relax the measures, “he told Omnibus, in La7.

The 3 reasons why it is not advisable to open transfers between municipalities

Sileri explained why, according to him, it is inadvisable to open movements between neighboring municipalities: “November 26 in the United States was Thanksgiving Day, the figures show that in the United States there is a resumption of contagion. Stiffness during the Christmas period. it is necessary to reduce the risk of a third wave. When contacts increase, infections and deaths inevitably increase. It hurts to write a stiff Dpcm, no doubt, but it is necessary to reduce the risks of a Third wave. Second point: there are too many deaths. Third point: hospitals cannot focus exclusively on covid, there are other pathologies. You have to endure the last kilometer of a marathon, the vaccine will come and then the road. It will be downhill. The measures are rigid but we have to resist. What does it cost us to resist another 2 weeks? We have 60 thousand deaths, maybe we will reach 100 thousand. We have cancer patients who have a hard time getting a CT scan. But what does it cost us? hold out for another two weeks? “, I ask.

Dpcm at Christmas 2020 or new decree: how movements between municipalities will change

The “no” to displacements between municipalities at Christmas: “Better close, we have too many deaths”
