“Why is Italy taking risks” – Libero Quotidiano


the earthquake of magnitude 6.4 that devastated the Croatia Tuesday would be related to the earthquake (4.4, preceded by one of 3.4 and one of 2.8) that left us in a panic Verona and the Northeast shortly after. To support it is Alessandro tibaldi, Professor of Geology at the Bicocca University of Milan. “This is the focus of European plate with that African, among which there are several microplates, as in this case the adriatic. The crossing between these three entities caused earthquakes. “Under the Po valley, continues Tibaldi,” there is a guilt, that is, a fracture that releases energy, due to the movement of the three previous plates. The great regional mechanism is the same, then the energy is released by different faults. In this case, one in Italy and one in Croatia. Two separate and far apart fractures “.

Earthquake in Croatia, chandeliers in Italy: here's the impact

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This time, Italy was lucky: “The earthquake only scared and shook buildings. Usually, problems arise magnitude 5“. The magnitude 3.4 earthquake was felt in the same risk category Milan in mid December. The most dangerous area, recalls the professor, is “the province of Udine near the Alps, it is the worst. High seismicity also in Lake Garda between Brescia and Verona. The crest of the Apennines creates problems of Modena to AbruzzoOr until Campaniae Calabria. the Piedmont it has low seismicity except on the border with France. Sardinia me Southern apulia they are the quietest places. “
