
Ten consecutive weeks of increase in cases in Italy. And for the first time they register “Significant critical signs related to the spread of the virus.“. the weekly report of the Higher Institute of Health, prepared with the Ministry of Health on the basis of regional data, refers to the analysis of data from the week of September 28 to October 4. the Coronavirus – the report underlines – “today circulates throughout the country“. The cumulative incidence is 44.37 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. There is also an increase in symptomatic cases and in 17 Regions there is an increase in the number of cases compared to the previous week. The national Rt index is 1.06.
Active outbreaks in Italy and virus transmission
There are 3,805 active outbreaks in Italy, of which 1,181 are new. And the outbreaks now affect practically all of Italy, with up to 104 of the 107 provinces where active outbreaks are found. Regarding the transmission of the virus, it is maintained mainly in the domestic sphere, with 77.6% of the cases. The infection rate in recreational activities is much lower (only 4%), while the number in schools increases slightly, with 2.5% of the total outbreaks registered in institutions. On the other hand, there are more than e4 thousand new cases that cannot be traced to a precise epidemiological link. Finally, the number of people hospitalized is also increasing, even in intensive care.
Covid-19 infections continue to rise
The conclusions reported by the ISS explain what is happening in Italy and what are the reasons why infections keep increasing: “In Italy, there is an acceleration of the progressive worsening of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic reported over ten weeks, which is reflected in a significant workload on local health services. For the first time there are important critical elements related to the spread of the virus in our country“The suggestion is”Avoid events and initiatives at risk of aggregation in public and private places.“There is also a concern expressed in the report:”The situation described in this report highlights important warning signs related to an increase in local transmission.“. The conclusion is that “a new epidemiological phase stands out with a significant burden on local services that must be monitored due to their potential repercussions on healthcare services “.
He is the General Director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Giovanni rezza, to take stock through the usual weekly video: “Increase the number of cases for the tenth consecutive week, this time a little more. The RT slightly exceeds unity. There are outbreaks in all Italian regions. The number of hospital admissions tends to increase, but there is no intensive care overload. We must be cautious, avoid aggregations, always use the mask, apply physical spacing and take care of hand hygiene”.
The Rt Index Region by Region
Here is the data for the individual Rt indices Region by Region:
Abruzzo 1.13
Basilicata 0.93
Calabria 1.02
Campania 1.24
Emilia romagna 0.84
Friuli Venezia Giulia 1.09
Lazio 1.16
Liguria 1.09
Lombardy 0.95
Market 0.91
Molise 0.61
Bolzano 1.1
Piedmont 1.3
Trento 1.18
Apulia 1.01
Sardinia 1.01
Sicily 1.22
Tuscany 0.99
Umbria 1.12
Aosta Valley 1.09
Veneto 1.13.
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