Whoever is waiting for the result of the hyssop should not walk around: two villains have put my life in danger


We received and published the letter sent to our newsroom and to the mayor of Bernalda by a citizen who says that after having had all the care and precautions to avoid contagion of covid, he is waiting for a swab, along with his wife, due to a problem. contact with two workers, one of them positive, who had gone to the couple’s house to make repairs. The man, who suffers from a rare lung disease, asked us to omit his personal data to protect his privacy and that of his wife.

Below is the lyrics

“Prestigious mayor of the city of Bernalda, my name is…, I was born and raised in Brescia and for some years I have lived in Bernalda where I got married. I am a disabled person with a severe handicap due to a number of pathologies, the most important of which is a rare lung disease that unfortunately does not allow me to live “normally”. I use oxygen support during the day and a ventilation called C-PAP at night. Unfortunately, my wife also has health problems, but despite this, we do our best to live our family life with dignity: my wife has a thriving business in Matera and I am trying to acquire new professional skills that will allow me in the future. to be able to work despite the limitations of my illness.

Since February we have been living with the maximum attention every moment of our life, unfortunately we are socially isolated, my wife has implemented security measures for her activity that go far beyond what the different ministerial and regional regulations indicate, we wear masks certified as Dpi and we implement all the measures aimed at avoiding our possible contagion. Needless to say, our concern to see how many citizens of Bernalda have taken this pandemic “lightly”, first during last summer and then during the second wave. No masks, meetings, violations of the simple rules for the spread of the virus, the use of worn and abused protective devices, this has led us to raise the level of passive defense even more.

Unfortunately, since yesterday we have been isolated and waiting for a swab because two workers from a local company came to our house even though they were both aware of their possible contagion and, apparently, one of them was also waiting for the result of the buffer . As always, we kept the guard level high by keeping all windows and the front door open during your stay to facilitate immediate air exchange, we all wear the mask, we also try to disinfect all surfaces that could have been in contact with they. I hope that what we have done has been enough to prevent a contagion that could have fatal consequences for us.

The most disconcerting thing is that we learned of their positivity the next day, not from themselves, but from the usual “voices from the undergrowth.” Asked for confirmation of what was rumored, they gave an affirmative answer. The world collapsed on me. Why? I asked myself! What motivated the iniquity of these people to go to the home of a lung patient in this situation? What led you not to immediately notify me of your positivity? Did you ever think for at least a minute what damage they could do? How many people have found themselves in the same situation as me?

It’s really hard to find an answer or it could be easier than you think. I attribute the blame for this mainly to the widespread ignorance in our society, the lack of education and respect for others, the superficiality of how many people still face our emergency situation today. The main flaw lies in us as members of a society in constant decline where material priorities far outweigh cultural and social well-being. A society that is outraged – rightly so – by an abandoned dog, but at the same time looks with indifference or distrust at a person in difficulty just because they are perceived as “different” or “alien”.

A society that leaves behind and does not protect the weakest, indigent, elderly or disabled will never be prepared to face dire scenarios like the one we are going through and can never guarantee a prosperous future for future generations. It would be too easy to blame the institutions, they certainly could have done better, or perhaps worse, but if we do not understand that we are the institutions, that the institutions are the mirror of the society that established and legitimized them, we will never understand that we must change. ourselves and our values.

I do not know what will become of me and my wife in the next few days, I very much hope that the precautions we take have been sufficient to protect us, but beyond us and our destiny there is something much greater: our destiny. community, our values ​​and our future. In these “dramatic” hours for us I have understood that Sars Cov-2 is the enemy of our organism, but it finds faithful allies in our behavior, in our ignorance and in our discomfort. Ignorance and discomfort are far more terrible enemies for our community.

If you decide to publish this or part of it, I ask you to kindly leave me anonymous.

Signed letter
