With the rise in Covid infections, the controversy surrounding the schools. Someone, like Campania, has been ahead of the times and has decided to close the institutions until October 30. Others could follow suit, in the event of an exponential increase in cases. Without prejudice to the “no” of the Minister of Education Lucía Azzolina according to which «lA 100% distance learning, as someone asked in recent days, would not help protect the health of children, who would still go to satisfy their legitimate desire for sociability elsewhere.».
Boccia: “Whoever closes assumes responsibility”
The Minister of Autonomies also spoke about the Campania case, Francesco Boccia, which at the end of the States-Regions announced: “All presidents have the autonomy to make more restrictive ordinances in the way they see fit. But if we have shared that the two pillars we must protect are school and work and ordinances affect those areas, a link between the government and the regions would be appropriate. At school and work there are already shared protocols that are working well but if, in this case, the president of the Campania Region has decided to issue an ordinance, he assumes responsibility for the effects. We have always been at the side of all the Regions with materials, fans and resources ».
Schools closed, Bonaccini: if cases increase, distance education
«The students are happy to go back to school. Our duty – explains Azzolina – today more than ever, is to protect them. Our school leaders and all the school staff have spent a whole summer with the meter in hand, working together with the Ministry, to secure the school. Yes to dad for the boys. Not dad against kids.
“Integrated digital education, which everyone is now asking for for secondary schools, already exists – continues Azzolina – A part of classroom teaching and a part at home. The directors and teachers of the school have prepared it based on the needs of the schools, with the aim of respecting the requirements of the CTS for the distancing and safety of the students, students and staff. Just take a tour of the high schools to see it. In the school where I was in Rome this morning, half of the class was already connected from home, as is happening in many other second cycle schools.
The Governor of Emilia Romagna Stefano Bonaccini: “I am in favor of face-to-face teaching, but everyone is concerned about the virus, including parents – he said on Mattino 5 – In case of a further increase in positives, a solution must be found to avoid making the boys lose the year.
Schools closed, Conte: Campania can do it but it is not the best decision. I don’t expect a confinement in Milan
So, what for now seems to be only hypotheses: «Either distance learning is introduced, or school schedules differ. Perhaps if the lessons are spread out over the morning and afternoon, the pressure on those who have to be taken to school or go home will decrease. The issue is inevitably taking hold and is closely linked to that of public transport: “They ask us for more means – adds Bonaccini- but we don’t have them. Either someone sends them to us with additional resources or it is impossible.
Covid Campania, schools and universities closed until October 30 and stop at house parties with friends. Conte: not the best solution
However, the central government seems to rule out the possibility for now. Giuseppe Conte: «Closing schools seems like a practical and very easy solution. However, from the point of view of the directions we give to children, it does not guarantee a complete learning method. It is not the best signal we can offer. However, nothing seems definitive at the time.
A #Naples a column of minibuses for school transport stopped one after another, a long yellow line of protest #schools #Campania #Luca pic.twitter.com/AvcRkG6QuB
– franco ballesteros (@francadamo) October 16, 2020
Last updated: 14:51