The goal is to permanently eradicate the virus in the next eight to nine months. “By autumn we hope to achieve herd immunity, with 80% of Italians vaccinated. It is at that moment when we will really be out of the tunnel “, announces the special commissioner for the Covid emergency Domenico Arcuri leaving the Spallanzani from Rome on 5th. Meanwhile, “we must be prudent, patient and responsible. The battle is still very long, we must not fool ourselves that everything is over, but finally there is a vaccine. We must be grateful to science and ask all citizens to be responsible.
Vaccine Covid Italia, Arcuri: “Collective immunity only in autumn, we will be out of the tunnel there”
Vaccine day, the virologist, the nurse and the infectious disease specialist: the first vaccinated in Spallanzani: “We have seen hell”
Today is European vaccine day, Italy inaugurated the prophylaxis plan at 8 am in Spallanzani. The first to receive it were health workers and doctors, in the next few hours also prominent names that will be the popular testimonies of the campaign such as the Director of Infectious Diseases of the Sacco of Milan Massimo Galli and Dr. Annalisa Malara, will undergo the injection. Codogno anesthetist who discovered patient 1. The current vaccination program, aimed at the entire population, will begin at the end of January. The transport and storage of the roads will be in charge of the Armed Forces, based nationwide at the Pratica di Mare military airport: from here the doses destined for hubs in all regions of the country will start, 21 military structures with the Necessary requirements for the correct conservation of the serum. Eleven aircraft, 73 helicopters and more than 360 motor vehicles will be responsible for the delivery. For now, therefore, “the first mass vaccination session will be launched, aimed at the categories that the government and parliament have established as priorities – specifies a note from Palazzo Chigi – In the first phase, vaccination will be reserved for professionals health, health personnel “. health and social care from local hospitals and services, as well as for guests and staff of residential facilities for the elderly. These categories will be contacted with an active call ».
And for those who do not fall into these sectors? The times and methods will depend on the quantities available, with the understanding that health workers and the elderly will have priority. The website of the Ministry of Health reports: “The vaccination campaign will continue in stages that will depend on the number of vaccines available, the indications of the authorizations of the Ema (European drug agency) for each new vaccine and, in any case, They will refer to the classes in order. population indicated in the Strategic Vaccination Plan against SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 “. For the moment, these are the categories identified that may be vaccinated first: health and social health personnel, guests and staff of nursing homes; people 80 years of age and older; people 60 to 79 years of age; people of all ages with more than one prior chronic disease, immunodeficiency and / or disability Comirnaty (Pfizer / Bionthec), the first vaccine approved by Ema, currently does not It is recommended for children under the age of 16. The European Agency, as well as other international agencies, await further studies to authorize vaccination in the pediatric population. Those who have had Covid can be vaccinated and all who undergo prophylaxis will receive a certificate standard vaccination. International institutions such as the European Commission and WHO, anticipates the Ministry of Health, are considering a proposal for an international digital certificate. l.
All these indications, the experts specify, “may be updated based on the evolution of the pandemic, the knowledge from scientific research and the availability of vaccines.” In summary, as Pierluigi Lopalco, the virologist and health advisor from Puglia, points out, “this is an important moment for the whole of Europe, this vaccine has a different meaning than many others. We hope this is the beginning of the end of the coronavirus, but there is still a long way to go. Let’s not forget that preventing infection depends exclusively on us, we must be careful, be prudent and respect those few rules that we have been repeating for months. That is why, until all the weak to be vaccinated are insured, “each of us must do our part, we must prevent the virus, especially this winter, from regaining strength. We must each do it in their own area, because the vaccine will not show us the effects immediately.
Last update: 11:26