Who will have it directly in the checking account? Quantities and news


Non-refundable grant between the compensation for activities forced to close completely or work reduced hours: but who must submit question and who, on the other hand, will see the financing directly to the checking account? And how much is the contribution?

The first information on this came directly from Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte during the press conference on October 25. Subsequently, the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri and by the Minister of Economic Development Patuanelli also on Sunday October 25.

Grants will travel on a double via, trying to refresh both the activities that from today October 26 to November 24 must remain closed, as well as those that must lower the blind at 6:00 p.m. to dedicate only to take out or home deliveries.

According to the latest statements by the Deputy Minister of the MEF, Laura Castelli, to help commercial activities to which this enormous sacrifice is imposed, the lost fund will be allocated 100% to 200% of the decrease in turnover.

Let’s take stock of the situation, specifying that for all operational details we will have to wait for him decree on the economic support measures, provided for in the Official Gazette tomorrow, October 27.

Non-refundable subsidy: who should request it and who will have it directly in the checking account

As a result of the October 25 dpcm, many commercial business They will have to close completely until November 24 or reduce their business from 6:00 p.m., relying solely on home delivery or take-out.

A Hard hit for bars, restaurants and pubs, which after a difficult summer were beginning to see some results. However, the government has promised a series of tax aid, to attend to the thousands of businesses that, without the support of the State, will hardly be able to reopen for the Christmas holidays.

Non-refundable contributions, which will be disbursed by theRevenue agency based on Code is born to belong.

But how will the new contributions work? All the details can be found in the decree expected in the Official Gazette for tomorrow October 27, but based on the statements of the Minister of Economy Gualtieri about Tg1 we can already have a frame of reference.

There will be a double track:

  • a higher refund for activities that will have to suspend their work until November 24 (swimming pools, gyms, theaters, cinemas, sports centers, betting rooms and many more);
  • a snack more content for activities that can operate from 5.00 to 18.00 for table service and then continue with the take away.

Non-refundable contributions will be automatic for those who have already obtained the reimbursement provided for by the relaunch decree: Minister Gualtieri has guaranteed that in this case the application will not have to be submitted again.

The refreshment will be provided, for those who have already obtained the contribution of the “first edition” directly to the checking account.

Faster non-refundable contributions. And the reduction in turnover?

The news did not end there: apparently, the requirement of the reduction of turnover.

In fact, among the requirements to have access to the non-refundable contributions of the relaunch decree there was a 33% decrease in turnover in April 2020 compared to the turnover in April 2019.

An important change of course, which also opens the doors to contribute to activities with turnover of more than 5 million euros.

According to the statements of Minister Gualtieri to Tg1 on October 25, it is about 350,000 companies involved.

As reported by theAnsa, the Vice Minister of Economy Laura castelli in view of the Council of Ministers on compensation declared that the lost fund will go 100% to 200% of the decrease in turnover: increase from 3 to 6 times the percentage guaranteed by the relaunch decree.

“Immediate support for all those activities that, due to the provisions of the Dpcm, must close or limit the opening hours. We ask a great sacrifice to ensure the well-being of all. It’s only fair that the state side with you

According to the latest statements by the Deputy Minister MEF Castelli, the reduction in turnover would continue to be a requirement, although it would represent a contribution more than double compared to previous loans.

It only remains to wait for the official text of the decree in the Gazzetta to have all the parameters: the objective is to get the contributions already November fortnight, following the procedure already proven with the first loans of the Relaunch Decree.

In the next decree (whose name varies between Refresco and November) there will also be more details on the layoffs, on the additional rental bonus for VAT numbers and on the cancellation of the second installment of IMU.
