“Who was with him” – Libero Quotidiano


Matteo renzi he wants to sue me but I don’t know why. ” Massimo giannini in To print broke the news of the trip to Dubai from the leader of Italy Long Live. The former prime minister clarified that he had not left “neither for work or for vacations”, “but confirmed that he had left”, underlines Giannini, guest of Lilli Gruber in Half past eight in La7.

What are you doing there ?.  Sensational: where they caught Matteo Renzi.  Demands fly (but he doesn't respond)

“When I got his message at dawn on my cell phone telling me that we had written all nonsense, let’s put it this way, I was afraid we were wrong. Then he called me while I was in Dubai, so I don’t understand what the reasons are more. That could lead us He didn’t even want to give it to me, telling me that I will know when the summons comes. “

“I still think that his dangerous relationships with those regimes and those worlds deserve an explanation,” continues Giannini. “We added that maybe there is one more aspect. Renzi in Dubai was with Marco Carrai, a well-known Tuscan businessman and close friend of Renzi who with him Open foundation and his activities largely supported the political activities of the Senator of Italia Viva himself. “

Are you traveling to Dubai?  He sent me this text.  Massimo Giannini shows the evidence but Renzi takes him to court

“Perhaps this is a clue? – asks the sibylline Giannini – I do not know, because Renzi still does not give explanations. In my opinion, instead, he should explain it to me, but to the Italian voters, but from this point of view not it does. ” Hey. we will help you clarify the situation welcome, I do not know what the crime is but I am ready. “

So Renzi is trying to intimidate us.  Trip to Dubai, TPI editorial team shows the evidence: a big problem for the former prime minister
