
Father and son meet. Franco and Francesco Oppini they hug for several minutes. “I waited for my son, respecting the curfew, at the hotel. As soon as he saw me, after the episode of Big Brother Vip, I did not believe in his eyes. I burst into tears, ”Oppini tells RTL102.5 News. Rewind the tape and revisit that special relationship with your child. Francesco Oppini, who voluntarily left the Gf vip after three long months, is undoubtedly one of the moral winners of this edition. He was the most beloved character: his sympathy conquered everyone. Then that unique friendship with Zorzi made the audience lose their minds: Oppini did not shy away from hugging Tommaso, swearing eternal friendship. “The friendship between Francesco and Tommaso reminds me of the relationship with the Vicolo Miracoli Cats”, Oppini recalls. “A relationship that has been going on for years, since high school. I was in the bank with Somalia ”.
