Who was Don Roberto Malgesini, the priest who had breakfast for the homeless – La Stampa


Don Roberto Malgesini, at the beginning of last year, had been fined by the municipal police of Como, for having given breakfast to the homeless who were under the portico of the old church of San Francesco, a building that in recent weeks the Liga wanted to close with a grid. So much so that the motion will be debated these days in the town hall.

A shy and reserved man who “certainly did not gather the crowds in his parish,” but who had devoted his entire life to the bare minimum, delivering hot breakfasts in the morning to the poor. It was this, in memory of his parishioners and colleagues who came this morning in front of the parish of San Rocco in Como, Don Roberto Malgesini, 51, ordinary of Valtellina but in Como in service “always”, as remembered Don Andrea Messaggi, rector of the Basilica. of Sant’Abbondio. “Roberto was a simple person, he just wanted to be a priest and years ago he made this wish explicit to the former bishop of Como. For this he was sent to San Rocco, where every morning he brought hot breakfasts to the last. Here everyone knew him, everyone loved him ”, he tells La Stampa.

Priest killed in the street of Como, the memory of the citizens: “He met the murderer, a great loss”

His murder provoked strong emotion and pain among the migrants. Strong words were used by Roberto Bernasconi, director of the Diocesan Caritas of Como, who had in Don Roberto Malgesini one of the closest collaborators: «He was a meek person, he dedicated his whole life to the least, he was aware of the risks he was running. The city and the world did not understand their mission. This tragedy is comparable to a martyrdom, I wanted to convey a Christian message through being close to these people. It is a tragedy that arises from the hatred that accumulates these days and is the triggering cause beyond the physical person who made this gesture. Either we stop hating or tragedies like this will repeat themselves. I hope that this martyrdom of yours can contribute to the unveiling of society.

Like, murder in the center the victim is Don Malgesini: the scene of the crime

«We are dismayed and dismayed by the death of Don Roberto. We are proud as Bishop and as Church for a priest who gave his life for Jesus through the “last one” », the comment of Monsignor Oscar Cantoni, Bishop of Como. The note from the Diocese of Como:« «This morning Fr Roberto Malgesini He was killed in Como by a mentally challenged homeless man. This afternoon, at 8.30 pm, in the Duomo of Como, the Bishop will lead the Holy Rosary. Faced with the tragedy, the Church of Como clings in prayer for its priest Don Roberto and for those who killed her. Among the first words of condolences those of the Communist Refoundation: “A man who has dedicated his life to the little ones and to hospitality.”
