
Matteo Salvini is ready to play as a team, along with the rest of the center-right. He is a candidate to be captain not only of the League, but of the entire coalition, even of the “federation” of the parties that comprise it. The proposal, which was a surprise, was nevertheless received with suspicion by many Forcas and by the representatives of the Brothers of Italy. It was the league’s own secretary who announced the turning point, after the thaw’s phone call with Silvio Berlusconi. Filed for love of the tranquility of living the rapture of the three deputies forced by the League, the two leaders, in fact, have finally spoken. A talk defined as “cordial” by his collaborators, at the end of which the former Interior Minister made it known publicly that he would like to create a “kind of federation, of union, from the parliamentary groups, because if we fight together it is more easy to win common battles.

He claims that he can anticipate the political poster that millions of voters have been waiting for years, or become another soap bubble. Certainly the proposal has displaced both the Knight, whom Salvini had anticipated in a very summary way, but with whom it had not been defined and much less agreed, and Giorgia Meloni, who before unbalancing is waiting to see the ally’s letters. Too many aspects are still shrouded in darkness, firstly that of the division of roles and powers between the three leaders. And if Berlusconi can play the role of the noble father of the lineup, the Fdi chairman certainly cannot do the same. Salvini presents it as an updated version of the People of Freedoms, obviously led by him, the leader with the most votes today. Who recognizes Berlusconi the merit of having started everything, but promises to go further. “The battle of 2020”, he explains, “cannot be that of 1990. Join hearts, bring concrete proposals to the government. Putting freedom at the center, above all to do business. The pioneer of this battle was Berlusconi, it is about modernizing those proposals.
From the League they add that the offer is addressed to everyone, even moderate parties, not only to Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia, which together with Carroccio, however, can already have 254 deputies and 135 senators: if they really joined, they would give life to two large parliamentary groups. However, the sovereignists of the IED and the majority of the forceistas read in this play the attempt of the former Minister of the Interior to channel the rest of the parties into a phase in which the League, although it remains the leading political force in all the polls, lose points of view. months. Everyone agrees on the need to act together when it comes to voting on the budget law and other economic measures. And pressuring the executive “with an extraordinary aid plan and tax cuts based on VAT and Irap, a single tax of 15% for income of up to one hundred thousand euros and a year of fiscal peace”, as Salvini asks to do, is a good starting point. The federation, however, is different. “It is difficult, on the basis of a statement, to judge what exactly Salvini means when he talks about federation,” said Francesco Lollobrigida, head of the Fdi group in the House, perplexed. Forza Italia is divided. The area that gathers around Mara Carfagna has never digested Salvini and cannot recognize itself in such a design. If successful, some would leave the group to seek refuge with the Renzians.

However, Berlusconi also sees a certain amount of humility in the initiative of the Northern League leader. “He understood that he has no international ties and has abandoned the claims of self-sufficiency”, is the reasoning that the Knight made yesterday with some of his men. In short, if it were up to him, we could also talk about it, although it is hard to believe that Gianni Letta is equally well disposed. The three leaders will discuss it next week, at the summit already scheduled to decide the candidacies for the next administration, which are announced as very difficult due to the probable agreement (at least on the ballot) between the Pd and the M5S. It is possible that for Rome, in the end, the center-right will converge on the name of Guido Bertolaso, in part because the image of the former head of Civil Protection has been relaunched by the disasters that Domenico Arcuri and the others have combined in the management of the emergency. Covid, in part because better alternatives haven’t emerged.