AGI – The new health commissioner ad acta of Calabria, Giuseppe Zuccatelli, has a long experience in the field of health management. Zuccatelli, 76 from Cesena, was also president of Agenas and has also held management positions in Campania me Abruzzo: arrived in Calabria in December 2019, after the appointment of the government in light of the first “Decree of Calabria”, to lead the hospital company “Apulia Ciaccio“And the university hospital company”Mater Domini“De Catanzaro, also for a short period he was also extraordinary curator ofAsp by Cosenza.
Now, with today’s appointment to replace the resigned Cotticelli, Zuccatelli, considered close to Minister Roberto Speranza, will guide Calabrian health care with the support of the powers assigned to it by the new “Calabrian Decree”, approved in recent days by the Conte government, a provision that has further strengthened the figure of the regional health commissioner: Zuccatelli, in fact, will be able to indicate the names of the extraordinary commissioners of the health and hospital companies, give directives to the Department of Health Protection of the Region, treat contracts above the community threshold and write the Covid plan. Last week Zuccatelli announced that it was a result positive for coronavirus, explaining to the AGI “to be absolutely asymptomatic and to be well”.