A document from the ministry and the Higher Institute of Health clarifies when the swab should be done. The indications are limited to cases in which there has been close contact with positive people or when symptoms are present, while it is not recommended in the case of close contacts

It’s not that hard to get in now Contact with a new positive person coronavirus or with people in turn in contact with an infected person. But when should you do the buffer? For those who have doubts, today the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health clarify, in a document entitled Laboratory test for SARS-CoV-2 and its use in public health, when and how to use the swab, the recognized diagnostic test to know if you have Covid-19. They just have to clean people who have come into close contact – hereinafter called close contacts – from individuals with positive results for the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus. While the exam not indicated in close contact contacts. The document serves to clarify when the buffer is indicated, as indicated in the text, even within the framework of a increasing number of infections and better management of resources. Here are the tampon rules and what close contact is.
When it comes to close contacts
The definition of close contact it is very accurate. They talk about a meeting at a distance of less than 2 meters and for at least 15 minutes with a positive person (with or without a mask). When you are indoors and without a mask we talk about close contact even though they have passed less than 15 minutes. Close contact also occurs when living in the same house or when shaking hands (handshaking should still be avoided during this period) and when providing assistance to an infected person. too travel in vehicles Local transport, trains and planes can be at risk: we talk about close contact when we are two places from a positive (and also for the crew). Actually me Cdd (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in the United States slightly changed the definition of close contact, adding that the 15 minutes of contact may not be consecutive, but the result of the sum of the time we spend together.
Close contacts and presence of symptoms.
If you really had close contact with a positive, swab recommended – and the doctor must prescribe it – if symptoms appear, to verify any contagion and receive the appropriate treatment as soon as possible. However, examination is recommended, in the presence of symptoms attributable to Covid-19, even if it is not known whether close contact was made. The first option is the molecular buffer, with longer times but also more precise, and secondly the fast antigenic swab. The molecular swab is also recommended for asymptomatic people who have not had close contact with positives but who must be hospitalized or RSA (swabs are required prior to admission).
Close contacts but no symptoms
Hyssop can be prescribed, as the ministry and the ISS write even in the case of close contact and absence of symptoms. In this situation, the institutions indicate rapid swabbing as the first option and molecular swab only second. However, if you are asymptomatic, taking a swab is not mandatory: even in the text there is no specific recommendation. This is because if you are asymptomatic, you can even stay in quarantine for 14 days – and then it is free, in the absence of symptoms – or for 10 days, but on the 10th day you have to do a swab (and, if negative, it can come out): in this case the first option is the molecular buffer and second, the fast antigen. TO MilanFor example, the number of people with symptoms is so high that the ATS (the city’s health protection agency, the equivalent of ASL) has reported that swabs will no longer be performed in suspected cases, come into close contact with positives, but asymptomatic.
No to Buffer for Close Contacts Contacts
The authorities specify that on the contrary“prescribing diagnostic tests on close contacts is not recommended of confirmed case “, as indicated in the text of the document. “If requested independently, subjects should not be considered suspicious, not be subjected to any quarantine measure or reported to the Prevention Department, with the exception of positive cases that must always be reported “. The recommendation falls if the person obviously begins to have symptoms, a situation for which the tampon is recommended regardless of whether or not you have met a person with Covid-19.
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