
Lazio is the first region of Italy by the number of vaccinated, more than 16 thousand (with a percentage of 36) compared to 45,805 doses Pfizer – Biontech delivered and on the total of the country that is in 79,146 vaccines. These are the data provided by the Lazio Region in the portal dedicated to the Covid-19 vaccine report, with data updated as of January 3, 2021. Our region, where on December 27 the V-day, with the arrival of the doses destined for Italy at the Lazzaro Spallanzani Institute of Infectious Diseases, occupies the first place in the ranking, followed with a great difference by Veneto (11,119) and Piedmont (9,719). In detail to be vaccinated in Lazio I am more women than men, respectively 9,992 and 6,760.
Vaccinations by age group in Lazio
As to age range the first people vaccinated in Lazio are for most of the included between 50 and 59 years (4,833), followed by the population between 40 and 49 (3,976), and again between 30 and 39 (3,056). Data from which it appears that doctors, nurses and health personnel, who work in hospitals, especially those who are at the forefront of the battle against Covid in intensive care, were vaccinated in this first phase of administration, daily in contact with patients who contracted the virus and those who work in other departments, in the emergency room and in RSA with the elderly and patients at risk are hospitalized. Vaccines by age group are divided as follows:

The categories of vaccinated people in Lazio
The category with a greater number of vaccinated in Lazio, as in the rest of Italy, given the necessary priority is to health and social workers, found in 67,781 of those who received the first injection and who will be the first to receive the second in January. The other two indicated categories of vaccinated include non-medical personnel, who currently has received 6,523 doses and, thirdly, the guests of social health facilities (4,842).

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