
Diplomatic immunity. This is the international law institute that the World Health Organization has opposed to the prosecutors of the Bergamo public prosecutor’s office, who wanted to question some investigators as witnesses in the investigation of the deaths of the first wave. From the European headquarters in Copenhagen, as Report on Rai 3 revealed last night, a note has in fact reached the judges and foreign ministers Di Maio and Health Speranza in which the special status of their employees is claimed.

“Our interest – explains the attorney general Antonio Chiappani – is to know whether or not an anti-pandemic plan exists and when it would have been drawn up. This is important for evaluations in the context of the survey on the Alzano hospital and on the management of the epidemic in the Bergamo area. There is no tug of war or confrontation with anyone. There is no research on the WHO or on technical-scientific or political structures or on Italian politicians ». However, the prosecutor sent a letter to the Foreign Ministry to request clarification. Prosecutors complain that the hearing of some witnesses, scheduled for last week, was skipped at the last minute. In particular, Francesco Zambon, head of the European office for small states of the WHO, is missing. Now it will be Farnesina that will have to express itself in this regard, clarifying whether these types of officials are protected by immunity or not.
The version of the WHO technicians – following the testimony already collected on November 5 by Ranieri Guerra, deputy director general of special initiatives of the WHO and member of the CTS – would be essential to understand the history of the report entitled “An unprecedented challenge : Italy’s first response to Covid-19 “was posted and later removed from the organization’s website.
According to the Report’s research, the study, funded with about $ 100,000 through a grant from Kuwait, outlined the lights and shadows of Italian preparedness and management of the Covid-19 crisis. It was meant to be used by other countries and more generally by stakeholders in the healthcare world to draw useful lessons from the good practices and mistakes of the first great Western country to face the virus. But on May 14, just one day after its publication, it was withdrawn.
From the leak in our possession we deduce – they explained by Report after having had access to internal WHO communications – that the reason for the censorship is that the report embarrassed the Italian government and even more so the deputy director of the WHO Ranieri Guerra. “.
The lighthouse of the Bergamo Prosecutor’s Office is now focused on the date of the protocol which, according to the reconstruction of the television transmission, dates back to 2006 and therefore would never have been updated as expected. A task that was the competence of Guerra, between 2014 and 2017 at the head of the Prevention of the Ministry of Health and, therefore, responsible for the strategy. Contacted, Guerra, like the Ministry of Health, does not comment.
In any case, at the moment it is not clear whether the absence of an updated plan played any role in the management of the first phase of the emergency by the Ministry of Health. And in any case, the investigations continue despite the dribbling of the WHO.
Last updated: 12:46