Who are the M5 deputies who voted against the MES reform


AGI – A total of 13 M5 MPs in the Chamber voted against the majority resolution on the reform of the ESM. In addition to the 6 deputies – Andrea Colletti, Francesco Forciniti, Pino Cabras, Fabio Berardini, Mara Lapia and Alvise Mnaiero – who spoke in the Chamber, publicly announcing the vote against the group, scrolling through the impressions of the three votes in the parties relative values ​​of the text. In the Month there are also votes against the pentastelado deputies Emanuela Corda, Jessica Costanzo, Carlo Ugo De Girolamo, Giulio Dori, Francesco Sapia, Arianna Spessotto and Andrea Vallascas.

The 13 votes against the M5 deputies involved three out of four votes. In fact, the majority resolution was voted on by separate parties and the M5 ‘dissidents’ voted against the three ESM-related votes. Respectively, there were 297 votes in favor (for part of the specific text on the reform of the Treaty), 300 votes in favor and again 300 votes in favor. In the vote in which the majority got the highest number of yes, equal to 314, there were no votes against in the M5 group, always scrolling through impressions. In the vote in which the lowest number of votes in favor is registered, 297 yes, those absent among the pentasteladas ranks but not in mission are in the 10 (Berti, Del Monaco, Grillo, Emiliozzi, Lombardo, Menga, Raduzzi, Romaniello , Volpi and Zanichelli).

The Senate will say Yes, but how much will they vote in favor?

It is not excluded that even in the Senate there will be a separate vote on the majority resolution after Prime Minister Conte’s communications in view of the EU Council. From the first M5 there is + the belief that 3 votes will be missing. But there could also be 7 (4 possible abstentions) the M5 senators who could not give the green light (then there are three absent) to the reform of the MEDE. The compact Democratic Party for the yes (but there are two absent), two senators for life who will be present (Cattaneo and Monti), 7 yeses from the Autonomies, 2 from Maie.

The 3 former votes of the FI of ‘Cambiamo con Toti’, the three of the centrists of the UDC and the blue Cangini should abstain. Most estimate that they can reach 157 votes or 158 (we are trying to contact a member of the Mixed group). The majority resolution must be approved but without touching the 161-vote bar.
