The war of numbers after the demonstrations is taken for granted. Certainly there is a look and that of Rome, on the hot afternoon of Saturday 5 September, was not the same as that of Berlin and London. The deniers in the square, a few steps from the Bocca della Verità, according to the Police Headquarters were 1,500, 2,800 for those who organized. Few? Perhaps. Certainly noisy.
“We are people“It was the large banner that was placed behind the stage. And then the slogans:”We are not deniers or landowners, we are ‘wake-ups’. We deny the virus as we were told, which served to terrorize us, the strategy of terror that has locked many people at home waiting for them to get worse and then take them to the hospital to die.”, They say on stage and have also repeated the concepts to the RomaToday video cameras.
From Forza Nuova to Popolo delle Mamma: who are the deniers
In short, they don’t want to be called deniers. They prefer ‘alarm clocks’ or ‘heretics’. In fact, and from the slogans thrown on the stage, yesterday those who were in the square of Rome cheered Trump and Putin, while Mattarella whistles. They reiterated several times that they were not fascists, but a convinced applause reached Giuliano Castellino, leader of Forza Nuova, a far-right movement.
One wonders if those present knew to whom they gave him that on stage they presented him as “Giuliano, father of three children“and he, who does not mention Forza Nuova, takes the floor:”I’m not giving this gift to newsstands“, shout.
There were associations that refer to the family: Mothers in rebellion, Popolo delle mamme (those who requested permission from the Police Headquarters for the demonstration). In the square also the no-vax, the forks and the no-max.
Politicians comments: “Piazza’s denier makes you shiver”
The director of Imola Oggi, Armando Manocchia and Alicia Erazo (International Commission on Human Rights) also took the floor, who “brought greetings from Trump” who “is with the Italian people.”
Passionate speaker, Judge Angelo Giorgianni, founder of the L’Eretico association: “They accused us of being fascists because we are demonstrating today. The fascists are the ones who have denied us our freedom, not us. Who has closed us at home for 4 months, who has prevented us from attending our dead“However, there were no flags, at least no party flags, and the organizers only allowed tricolor.
The familiar faces of Sara Cunial and Eleonora Brigliadori
Sara Cunial did not speak at the end. The former M5 deputy and now the Mixed Group, however, took the stage and greeted the more than 1,500 protesters. Present, but not active either, Davide Barillari, another former pentastellate. The presenter Eleonora Brigliadori was also in Rome: “It is an attack on our freedom,” she said. On the other hand, the various Povia and Vittorio Sgarbi were absent.
Whistles to Mattarella and photo of Pope Francis burned
Among the choruses and slogans, there were also those who wanted to arrest President Mattarella. While Grandma Maura, one of the leaders of the protest, was chained to the Quirinal, because she would like to talk to him. Since August he has been on a tour of Italy to request the disavowal of the anti-Covid Dpcm. Whistles and insults unite the head of state, Mario Draghi, Nicola Zingaretti and Virginia Raggi. Burned photos of Pope Francis and Beppe Grillo. Insults also to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.
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The images of the event are being examined by the Police Headquarters
Meanwhile, according to sources in the Police Headquarters, in the next few hours the images recorded by the scientific police in the manifestation of coronavirus deniers will be analyzed. The protesters, who were in the square without masks, risk sanctions related to non-compliance with anti-covid measures.