WHO alarm: reported the presence of the coronavirus in mink farms in six countries, there is also Italy


The presence of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus has also been reported in mink farms in Italy. After the alarm launched in recent days by some cases of people infected with a variant associated with these animals in Denmark, the World Health Organization (WHO) points out: “To date, 6 countries, that is Denmark , the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Italy and the United States have reported Sars-CoV-2 in farmed mink to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) ”.

In Denmark, where the alarm is for human cases detected by a variant associated with the mink coronavirus, the authorities have announced, among various public health measures, the slaughter of all farmed minks, more than 17 million. “The available evidence – explains the WHO – suggests that the virus is transmitted mainly between people through respiratory droplets and close contact” with the infected, but there are also examples of transmission between humans and animals. Several animals that have been in contact infected humans, such as minks, dogs, domestic cats, lions and tigers, have tested positive for Sars-CoV-2. ”Specifically,” minks became infected after exposure to infected humans. “

Covid, mutation found in mink in Denmark: so they kill more than 100,000 a day

These animals “can act as reservoirs for Sars-CoV-2, transmitting the virus” within their own species “and may pose a risk of spreading the mink virus to humans. People can then transmit this virus to humans. In addition, recurrence, transmission from human to mink, can also occur. The concern remains when an animal virus spreads to the human population or when an animal population could contribute to amplifying and spreading a virus that affects humans. In fact, When viruses move between human and animal populations, genetic modifications can occur in the pathogen. ‘

The furriers’ reply: only two limited cases
“The local health authorities constantly monitor the farms: in our country only 2 analyzes have been carried out that have detected a low viral load of Covid. The first was done on a mink found dead, the second in the feces on the ground, under a nearby cage. The farm in which these two surveys were carried out was monitored from August until today: several hundred swabs were carried out on the minks in later times and they are always and all negative results ». This was stated by the Italian Fur Association in a statement “in relation to the numerous interventions in the media about the slaughter of minks in Danish farms to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, of which mustelids are accused of being reservoirs “. “We are and want to be at the forefront of all aspects of security, best practices and protection. In Italy – the association adds – farms are safe and very remote (unlike those in Denmark, which are all in the same area).

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