which regions likely end in the red or orange zone today


What are the regions they are likely to end up in today? red or orange zone? Just three days after the entry into force of the measurements contained in the last Dpcm, the tricolor map into which the peninsula was divided could undergo profound changes. In fact, a meeting between the Scientific Technical Committee and the cabin Address for the Covid emergency during which the latest data from the regions to monitor coronavirus infection will be discussed The final version of the report 25 from the Higher Institute of Health (Iss) that contains data for the last week of October. Data that will be analyzed in light of the 21 criteria identified by the CTS experts from which the “color” to be assigned to each region is decided.

Report 25: which Italian regions are likely to end up in the red or orange zone today

The need to review the map of the areas at risk is a direct consequence of the delay with which the local authorities sent the numbers necessary to perform the calculations and make decisions to the ISS. There would be six or seven regions on the balance sheet: Liguria, Emilia, Tuscany, Umbria, Campania, and Veneto. However, some newspapers also mention Abruzzo as a region at risk, excluding Veneto. Trentino Alto Adige’s speech was different, since he was ahead of his times by proclaiming himself a red zone without waiting for the opinion of the CTS. Regions at risk of being downgraded from yellow to orange (or red):

  • Liguria,
  • Emilia Romagna,
  • Tuscany,
  • Umbria,
  • Campania,
  • Veneto
  • Abruzzo.

The case of Campania

According to various newspapers, the Campania it is the region that could pay the highest price: surprisingly classified as yellow, it even runs the risk of being subjected to a double downgrade, effectively falling back into lockdown. Meanwhile, according to a news published in the morning, the Naples prosecutor has not taken or announced initiatives to investigate the alleged alteration of the data sent by the Region. To clarify this is a note signed by the Naples prosecutor Giovanni Melillo. But beyond the complaints that have come out in the press, the truth is that, as can be seen from many journalistic inquiries, the epidemic situation is worrying, and also and above all, the pressure on hospitals.

The Liguria region is also at risk of being degraded. In recent days, the Genoa prosecutors have opened a “cognitive” investigation, with no crime hypothesis, to shed light on the data sent by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

Liguria runs the risk of moving from the yellow zone to the orange

As stated of the governor of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, in the region the Rt index remained stable at 1.5 and 1.3. The situation in hospitals, however, has worsened, and is even worse than in the first wave: “We have more hospitalized patients than we had in the total closure last April – Toti admitted on Sunday night – we have many dozens more, but we have less than half of the ICUs occupied in the same hospital, and this gives us a sense of tranquility, we hope they will continue like this. There are also many patients discharged and sent to special facilities for medium and low care intensity ”.

“From the data – Toti said – there was no deterioration between one report and another, but we know that in Genoa there is a special pressure on hospitals, so we should discuss it” and yet, added the governor, “I do not expect a deterioration of the band for him Liguria, but I am willing to discuss with the government all possible measures to contain the infection.

Is Abruzzo also at risk of being demoted?

In Abruzzzo and Umbria, the intensive care situation is particularly worrying. According to the leader of the Democratic Party in the Regional Council Silvio Paolucci, “Abruzzo worsens from week to week in the report of the Istituto Superiore di Sanita ‘on tracking, in the most recent one we are at the bottom with 0.3 out of every 10,000 inhabitants ( source Sky Tg24 /ISS), worse than us only Calabria: it means that the Region has not provided or has not sent enough data to the necessary classifications and that the alarm over the collapse of the territorial system has become the norm ”.

“We play with colors and meanwhile the situation worsens. The second wave of Covid seems to me stronger than the first, the patients are less serious but they increase dramatically. In Abruzzo we now count around 500 positives and 30 hospitalized per day. When the flu comes, he will also be a radio god. ” Thus, the president of the Abruzzo region, Marco Marsilio, who, in an interview with Corriere della Sera, states that, beyond his region becoming a red zone, “my real problem, now, is to create as many Covid beds as possible.” However, Commissioner Arcuri’s delegation arrived just 30 days ago, he says Marsilio -. Although everything could be done this summer, when the intensive care units were empty and the extensions could be worked quietly in the hospitals.

What Umbria, Veneto and Emilia Romagna risk

There is also a great risk in Umbria where, according to the latest report from the National Agency for Regional Health Services, last Thursday 48% of beds in intensive care were occupied. A fact that only CTS technicians can consider. The situation is different in Veneto, which has a Rt of scenario 3 but its risk would not be considered high because the problem of communicating a data (on the number of cases recognized at the onset of symptoms) that had placed it in that category has been resolved .

With regard to Emilia Romagna, the scenario does not seem to be the most worrying, but the most relevant data are three: the impact of the contagion of Rt, now stable above 1.5 and the data of hospitalizations and intensive care, respectively, above 30 percent and 45, the thresholds beyond which the alarm sounds.

the map of the regions red yellow orange-2-2-2

The hard blocking in Trentino Alto Adige

South Tyrol, now a red zone, could soon even apply a harsh blockade. “We have no alternative, otherwise the entire health system collapses.” Thomas Widmann, councilor for health, tells ANSA. “The collateral damage would be devastating if hospitals no longer had to provide chemotherapy and surgery,” he adds. The issue will be analyzed tomorrow by the provincial government. “We have exceeded the time limit, the alarms can no longer be ignored.”

“In March – continues Widmann – we closed everything with 42 cases of Covid in South Tyrol, now we register 750 new infections a day and there are still those who do not understand and complain about the restrictions”. With the strict lockdown, even primary and secondary school would switch to distance learning and economic activities would be reduced to a minimum. The commissioner expects a stiff but brief blockade with a test mat. “We started with 30 tampons a day, now we also make 4,000, this is very important.” According to Widmann, “the pressure on hospitals is already enormous. We have guaranteed public life for as long as possible, but now a clear decision must be made if we want to avoid field hospitals.”

The order of the doctors: “Alarming data, we need a national blockade”

Meanwhile, yesterday the president of the Federation of Medical Orders, Filippo Anelli, called on the government to consider the possibility of a “total blockade, throughout the country.”

“Considering this week’s data as a typical trend and if we project it without anticipating further increases, the situation in a month will be dramatic and therefore we must immediately resort to a total closure. Either we block the virus or it will block us because it warns us they say that the system does not hold up and even the now yellow regions will soon find themselves in the same condition as the worst affected areas ”.

Soft lock: six regions towards closure
