which regions can change color


Red zone of Abruzzo, Liguria that remains orange and Veneto yellow. For Lazio, the possibility of the orange zone is being evaluated, while Puglia is a case and Sicily should remain orange and Basilicata is also suspected. Today, the Control Room of Italy will analyze the report of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Ministry of Health and the now famous (or infamous, according to the Regions) 21 indicators that count to decide if a territory deserves the red, orange or yellow zone . and, subsequently, Minister Roberto Speranza could dictate the ordinance on Friday that should come into force on Sunday, November 22.

Today we decided on the red and orange zone: which regions are likely to change color

A step back: yesterday the president of the Sicilian Region Nello Musumeci revealed that he had spoken with Speranza, who would have anticipated that the territories currently in the orange zone should continue to be such: “I heard Minister Speranza who anticipated the decision to renew his ordinance to all orange areas in Italy, establishing a first technical comparison for next week for a new regional risk assessment “. However (or perhaps precisely to avoid measures from Rome) just last night Musumeci adopted an ordinance aimed at limiting the occasions of contagion on Sundays and holidays. The closure of commercial activities with the exception of pharmacies, parapharmacies, tobacconists and kiosks and the home of food products, fuels for domestic use and for heating is expected.

But there are three regions that today could end up in the red zone. Among these there is certainly Abruzzo, which already anticipated the restrictions with ordinance n. 102 by President Marco Marsilio: according to the Republic, Basilicata is another suspect while in Puglia the council of Michele Emiliano with the super-councilor of health Pier Luigi Lopalco calls for the closure of two provinces (Bat and Foggia) precisely to avoid ending: “If Puglia no it has the numbers of the red zone – it is the line of the Minister of Health according to the Corriere della Sera – it will be Emiliano who will close some provinces, with the green light of the government “. The newspaper also says that Lazio has evaluated the possibility of entering the orange zone: “If you want to squeeze again we are here,” Commissioner Alessio D’Amato, cited as a model by Boccia, said in the videoconference. But as the colors change based on the data, the first region where the Rt index fell below risk band 1 seems unlikely to change.

By next week, however, red zone restrictions could drop in some Piedmont and Lombardy provinces – here’s a list based on last week’s numbers, to be confirmed today. It is possible, but only next week, that an inverse “political” path will take place: decree the orange zone for both regions but leave some provinces, those with the highest rate of Rt contagion, in red.

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Red and orange zones: decisions on Puglia, Basilicata, Liguria, Lazio, Veneto

Starting tomorrow there will be a table with Brusaferro, the technicians of the regions, the ISS and Health to evaluate the hypothesis of a weighting of the different data against the 21 indicators: the local authorities, which have approved them in recent months , now they are asking to use only five. The government said no, but opened a table for changes. Yesterday, the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia said that he does not exclude that some regions may pass into the red zone: according to the Ansa news agency, we are talking about Puglia, Basilicata, Sicilia and Abruzzo, which in fact is already by decision of the president . Marsilio, with Emilia Romagna and Liguria still up for grabs. Indiscretions that, however, sources from the Ministry of Health define as “totally unfounded”.

Yesterday, the governor of Liguria Giovanni Toti put his hands on the possibility of his region ending up in the Rossai area: “From a technical and scientific point of view, I totally exclude it,” he said in the press point about the emergency of the coronavirus: “It would be totally unjustifiable.” “To tell the truth, we would evaluate Liguria both for the data in the report and for today’s specific data in the yellow band,” he added. “We believe – he explained however – that the most successful option of the analysis of the data and the evaluations of our experts is to continue at least a few more days at the levels of the current measures “.

Meanwhile, the Ansa continues to write, in Abruzzo, less than 48 hours after the entry into force of the red zone, the sanctions imposed by the police against people who have violated the main restrictions taken after midnight are different. Wednesday with order of Governor Marco Marsilio who introduced the measures provided for in article 3 of the Decree of the Prime Minister of November 3 on the territory. The protagonist of one of the episodes is a 41-year-old Apulian resident in Montesilvano (Pescara), who twice violated isolation, despite being positive for the virus along with the whole family. Last night, the man, along with his youngest son, went to the emergency room of the Atri hospital (Teramo) after an accident when leaving the house to do the shopping, the complaint was filed by him. In Sulmona (L’Aquila), three men aged 30, 46 and 48 were administratively punished. Last night, his uncertain pace made the police suspicious. Stop, the three confessed: the drink with friends will cost them 400 euros each.
