Where are caregivers quarantined? There are many difficulties


There is a representative sample of the world of work that is now experiencing very delicate moments due to the coronavirus. These are caretakers, especially those from Eastern Europe. The explosion of the virus also in their countries of origin has put them in a very particular condition that so far not even our government has been able to solve.

This is the quarantine obligation to which those who return from Bulgaria and Romania are subject, among others the states of which they are the most numerous caregivers working in Italy.

Caregiver quarantine, an unsolved problem

Before emergency shutdown, which has also brought the domestic sector to its knees, with many families who, freed from work or for fear of Covid infections, have decided to do without their caregiver. Among other things, caregiver activity is one of the highest risk in the event of a pandemic.

Specifically, the caregiver’s work is one of absolute contact with the person who needs assistance and therefore, under these conditions, the risk of contagion by COVID-19, as with any other disease, it is absolutely noticeable.

For who comes from Bulgaria and Romania There is still the obligation of fiduciary quarantine when returning to Italy, the government has decided that it has drawn up the list of countries with the highest risk and on the returns to which attention should be paid. And the problem of quarantine is still an unsolved problem today, because there are many caregivers who do not know where to carry out these days of isolation.

Cohabitants and quarantine, where?

One alarm that unions have raised for some time is caretakers cohabitants, who in Italy have their residence with the elderly person they attend. Now that the summer and summer holidays have passed, these workers, once they have returned from their home countries where they spent their holidays, will have to return to work.

Like we said, to get back to business two weeks in solitary confinement as provided by an anti Covid protocol. But where should they isolate themselves if the only place they can go is the home of the older person they work for, which is both their workplace and their place of residence?

All the Regions of Italy have the same problem and all the unions complain about the superficiality with which the Executive faced the problem. In Veneto alone, for example, there are around 80,000 caregivers in these conditions, some even working illegally.

“For them thefiduciary quarantine obligation when they return to Italy, but they don’t know where to spend it ”, is what the unions say, with a unified request, which also shows the paradox of the various solutions that could be used.

“Being taken in by friends, increasing the health risk, going through quarantine in the home for the elderly help with the danger of infecting it, if it is really sick, or even temporarily evicting it with an additional burden on families and not returning for of the country of origin, especially when you do not have a valid contract ”, is what the unions stand out, due to a problem that inevitably affects a large number of workers, the elderly and families.

The request of the social partners is to find structures that are allocated to caregivers returning from Romania and Bulgaria, also because even if the mandatory tampon obligation has expired, for everyone’s safety, it is better to take adequate precautions.
