Bologna, December 11, 2020 – What should I do if …? This is the question that everyone asks when they think of the Coronavirus. And then, following the trail of the most frequently asked questions (the now famous Faq, i.e. frequent questions) to the attention of the local health authorities, informed on the website ausl.bologna.it (but valid in all cities or provinces), we try to respond point by point.
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I have had suspicious symptoms for a few days. That I have to do?
It is good to first contact your GP (or the Continuity Care Service, formerly a medical guard), who will evaluate the symptoms and, if necessary, book an appointment for a pharyngeal nasal swab.
Where can I do the swab or serological test in Emilia Romagna?
You can enter public facilities only if you are part of an Ausl trail. But the Region does have select ‘validated’ private laboratories to perform swabs and serological tests for a fee. Here is the complete list:
Who is a ‘close contact’: the definition
According to the Ministry of Health, the definition of ‘close contact’ includes:
the person who lives in the same house as a positive person
the person who has had direct unprotected contact with the secretions of a positive
the person who has had direct contact (face to face) with a positive, at a distance of less than 2 meters and for at least 15 minutes
the person who was in a closed environment with a positive without wearing a suitable mask
the healthcare worker or other person providing direct assistance to a positive person or laboratory workers involved in handling samples from positive people without the use of recommended PPE or by using inappropriate PPE
the person who traveled seated by train, plane or any other means of transport with a distance of less than two seats in any direction than a positive person
What should I do in case a ‘close contact’ is established?
The response goes under the name of quarantine, whose beginning coincides with the last day of contact and whose duration is defined exclusively by the Department of Public Health, which refers to the email address of the interested party and the email address of their doctor . In general medicine, initial and final quarantine certifications can also be used for INPS purposes, to justify absence from work.
What if I am sure I am in close contact but have no symptoms?
Close contacts of positive people, identified by health authorities, if they do not develop symptoms, must observe a quarantine period of 14 days from the last day of proximity to the person who tested positive, or a quarantine period of 10 days from the last day of proximity. with a negative smear report performed on the 10th day.
What if the exposure notification comes from the Immuni app?
You should contact your GP indicating that you have received the notification of the request and he will contact the Department of Public Health, providing the data of the interested party and all the useful information and helping him to reserve the tampon.
At the time of the test you will be asked to show the risk notification received and for this reason it is important not to delete it and not click on ‘I have already contacted my doctor or the ASL’.
While waiting for the execution and the result of the swab, it is advisable to avoid contact with other people as much as possible, not to frequent crowded places and pay special attention to compliance with the sanitary and hygienic measures provided to combat the infection.
If symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath appear, contact your doctor immediately.
Upon receiving the notification, how can I notify my contacts?
If it is positive, you will be contacted by an operator who will ask you for information to identify close contacts. During this phone call you will be asked for your personal code and if you want to unlock your profile, to allow those who have been in close contact with you to receive a notification of risk exposure on their mobile phone.
What is the difference between quarantine and fiduciary isolation?
The first concerns people infected with SARS-CoV-2, who during the period of contagion must remain separated from the rest of the community in an environment and conditions that prevent the transmission of the infection. The second, on the other hand, consists of limiting the movement of healthy people who may have been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 and aims to verify the possible appearance of symptoms and promptly identify new cases.
What types of certifications are there?
There is the provision of start and end of isolation, which is sent to confirmed cases of COVID-19;
And then the provision of the start and end of the quarantine, which is sent to the close contacts of the confirmed case of COVID-19 and those who return from abroad.
To go abroad, to countries that require a negativity certification, where can I get a swab?
The citizen or worker can contact one of the health establishments already authorized by the Emilia-Romagna Region to carry out serological tests for the execution of the swab. But, in this case, the swab is charged to the citizen and a free paper prescription from their doctor is required.
Where can I find reliable information about the disease?
The Ministry of Health constantly updates a series of useful information, in the form of questions and answers, about the virus and the disease, including indications for the elderly, people with other diseases, pregnant women and children.
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Molecular buffer, rapid antigenic buffer: the difference
The only way to know if you have Covid is by taking a swab. Regardless of the difference, the starting point, that is, withdrawal, is the same for everyone. You need a disposable swab (that is, a toothpick similar to a cotton swab) with which to remove part of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. It is then inserted into the lower part of a nostril or throat. The bar is then placed in a special tube and the tests are started. The differences start here, from the type of analysis.
the molecular buffer It is the most effective method of detecting Covid positivity, but it is also the longest. To obtain the result, in fact, it takes more time (around 24-48 hours) and also requires trained personnel who can read the results. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is performed, in which the genetic material of the virus (RNA) is copied millions of times (amplified) until it can be detected. Basically, the test looks for fragments of the genetic material that make up the virus.
the antigenic swabinstead, it is much more Quick because it gives the result in approx. 15 minutes. The test consists of looking for the antigens placed on the surface of the coronavirus (the antigen, literally, is the ‘substance that, when introduced into the blood or tissues, causes the formation of antagonists’). These antigens are large enough to be studied (and in a very short time) without the need to amplify them. The answer that arises from the search for coronavirus antigens is yes / no. However, the rate is not totally positive: if the viral load is low, the test may not detect the infection even if it is present.
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