when you arrive in Italy, how to book and who will have the first doses


When will the Covid vaccine arrive in Italy? Who will do it first? What are the privileged categories? Will it be mandatory? Insiders’ responses are not always consistent, so it should be clarified. December 29 must still be the date circled in red, as was also confirmed by the extraordinary emergency commissioner, Domenico Arcuri.

When will the vaccine arrive in Italy?

Final approval from Ema, the European drug agency, is awaited for distribution. The final “yes” should arrive on December 29, the next “green light” from the European Commission is expected in early January and then we could start the government’s vaccine plan to bring the “202 million doses to the first quarter. 2021 “, announced the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza.” We are ready for any day after December 29, and we are happy if it will be sooner rather than later, “explained Arcuri.” We are encouraging so that vaccination can start the same day throughout Europe – added the commissioner – and we are sure that this will happen and will become official in the coming days. “

Who will get the first doses of the vaccine

Almost 6.5 million Italians fall into the ‘priority’ categories to be vaccinated: 1,404,037 health and social workers, 570,287 RSA employees and guests, 4,442,048 people over 80 years of age. More specifically, the 3.4 million doses of Pfizer’s vaccine (which require an extreme cold chain, between -20 and -70 degrees) should be available by the end of January and will be delivered directly by the manufacturer. in the 300 sites indicated by the government, hospitals and homes for the elderly, for the first phase of the campaign that concerns precisely the health personnel and the elderly in the homes, who will be vaccinated by mobile units.

How to book

A smartphone application will be created to reserve and monitor adverse reactions with a pharmacovigilance system. The app will send the notice on the withdrawal date. Arcuri spoke about the digital platform for the vaccine: “Poste Italiane and Eni are helping us in the implementation of an application, it is a very complex system in which there will be many components: a call center, traceability elements, recognition and the possibility of feed the information systems of the regions and the Ministry of Health in the implementation of a kind of vaccine registry identical to the one that exists for all vaccines administered to the Italian population ”.

Who will carry out the vaccinations

The Ministry of Health has hypothesized that 20,000 people are needed, including doctors, nurses, health aides, health social workers, administrative personnel and even specialists for the administration of the vaccine in the first phase. There is a possibility that even retired doctors can help relieve local authority staff, as well as trainees and pharmacies.

Where will the vaccine be done?

The national storage center, as Arcuri has already explained, will be at the Pratica di Mare military airport, a protected site through which the 202 million doses expected to arrive in Italy from January to the first quarter of 2022 will transit. less than 300 hospitals and then reach their destination, for example in Rsa. In a second phase, the vaccine will be present at 1500 administration points and the mobile units will send it directly to the homes of the elderly or people with health problems who cannot move.

Free and not mandatory

The coronavirus vaccine will be voluntary and free for everyone, as confirmed by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza.
