
2020 US elections, Biden flaunts security, preaches patience and rightly avoids making proclamations, Trump shouts and initiates appeals that, however, at least in part are immediately rejected. But how is it possible that almost two days after the polls close (even if there is a five-hour difference between New York and Hawaii), the winner is still not known? When will we find out? What could happen from today until January 20, the last day, in any case, of the first term of the president tycoon who still feels the dream of doubling very hesitant?
American elections, Biden ahead but Trump is not there
2020 US Election, Biden Staff: “He Will Be President.” In Nevada the advantage increases. Two Trump appeals rejected
Beyond the sources, there are still 5 unofficially assigned states whose voters compete to reach the “magic number” – 270 – needed to win: Nevada (6 main voters), Arizona (eleven), Georgia (sixteen); North Carolina (15) e Pennsylvania (twenty).
Usa 2020, against Biden unleashed the rite of evangelical preachers. And the rebellious bishop Viganò also reappears Crazy video
The situation
Biden is at 253, Trump at 213 and this is so far the only certainty (proposed for example by CNN), while Ap, usually very cautious, and Fox already attribute Arizona to Biden that it amounts to 264 with Trump at 214 But these are unofficial figures as the count is still ongoing.
Biden vince se:
The pro-domocratic trend is confirmed in Arizona and Nevada, the quota of 270 for Biden will be reached, which will make useless the results in the other three states in which Trump is in the lead even if the rival is in recovery, especially Georgia. .
Trump vince se:
it is confirmed in Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and reverses the scenarios of Nevada and Arizona.
With only a few states to project, the outcome will be determined by a combination of key states on the battlefield https://t.co/Td6U2Lvzz9 pic.twitter.com/JyYXXeircO
– BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) November 5, 2020
The states
Nevada (6)
The news Thursday night is that Nevada continues to take it easy, so much so that hope of closing their accounts for the day has quickly faded. We’ll talk about it again tomorrow at 7pm Italian time: meanwhile, Biden is ahead by nearly 13,000 votes, more than 1%. Even if the lead is reduced by votes from rare areas, the state appears to be in Biden’s pocket.
Arizona (11)
Biden is leading by 2 percentage points or 68,129 votes or 86%, but Trump is catching up. We could know the outcome with many uncertainties on the night between Thursday and Friday, not before 3 o’clock.
Georgia (16)
Trump has the advantage, Biden recovers: when 4% of the votes are missing to be counted, the advantage of the outgoing president has gone from 30 thousand to 18 thousand and here, in the afternoon, at 20, the president’s advantage has dropped to 12 thousand. However, big cities that should be pro-Democrats are missing. We’re sure we’ll know the result before Nevada, maybe Thursday night. However, history is against Biden: his party has not won in 28 years (Clinton), but that does not prevent his future successor from being optimistic.
Pennsylvania (20)
92% of the votes were counted with Trump against 114 thousand preferences, which is equivalent to 1.7%, although many votes are missing from the large traditionally democratic cities. Until tomorrow, however, there are no results.
North Carolina (15)
Trump is up front and everyone agrees on this and so on when assigning him the status since the ballots in the mail were counted at the beginning of the count. Is that in this state there is time until November 12 to register the ballots received by mail.
Last updated: 22:56