when to use them and where


The council of ministers approved a few hours ago the new Dpcm (Prime Minister’s Decree) to contain the Covid-19 epidemic. The new rules on masks and gatherings go into effect immediately, a squeeze the executive deemed necessary given the surge in infections in recent weeks. In parallel with the anti-contagion regulations, the Government also approved the extension to the state of emergency until January 31, 2020.

In fact, the law launched today expands the previous Dpcm with the anti-contagion regulations now in force on October 15, but establishes the obligation to wear a mask even outdoors (in the presence of people who do not live together) and in all places. indoors. Therefore, it is a Dpcm-bridge pending a new provision to expand the provisions and possibly establish new ones.

With the new Dpcm, the obligation of outdoor masks comes into force: fines starting from 400 euros are foreseen for offenders, which can even reach 1000. But there is an important clarification to be made. The Dpcm foresees “the obligation to always carry with you, outside your home, personal protective equipment, with the possibility of making its use mandatory even outdoors when you are near other people who do not live together.” In short, if you are alone or with other people, it is not mandatory to wear protective equipment.

Therefore, the obligation to use masks will only apply in some cases:

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  • When, for example, they are “very close to other people who do not live together.”
  • Therefore, you can avoid covering your nose and mouth when you are alone or with people who live together, for example, but still away from other people.
  • You can avoid wearing the mask when doing sports or physical activity.
  • The obligation does not apply to children under six years of age and not even to people with disabilities or diseases incompatible with the protection device. As well as of course for those who eat and drink in a public place.