Sometimes they come back. Is the case self certification that during the festivities of Christmas It is almost certain that it will once again be indispensable for millions of Italians given the tightening that the government is preparing to launch. When now there are only 7 days until December 25, the new Dpcm (or decree) has not yet been signed, but now it should be a matter of hours. According to the Undersecretary of the Interior, Carlo Sibilia, progress is being made towards a national red zone from December 24 to 27 and January 31 to 3, while from 28 to 30 Italy will be all orange. But for now nothing has been decided. Certainly, however, as various government officials have already explained, Italy will not be yellow during the Christmas holidays. And to justify the movements, depending on the measures in force, it will be necessary to show the form that has become familiar to many Italians.
Self-certification, explains the Ministry of the Interior, is also in the hands of the police officers and can be completed at the time of control. Those who prefer to carry the self-declaration can download it. in this link (or below).
Christmas 2020: when will self-certification be required
But when is it necessary? In the meantime, let’s try to understand what could happen on the holidays, including Christmas. According to AdnKronos, in the new decree there could be a derogation to allow two non-partners, but only close relatives, to visit parents or grandparents, stopping, for example, for dinner on Christmas Eve or for Christmas lunch. On ‘red’ days, therefore, you can travel with self-certification “to visit a relative, bringing with you children ‘under 14’ who in any case will be excluded from the ‘count’. That is, you can also go to grandparents if in four, the important thing is that the two minors are under the age of 14. ”But for now it is an indiscretion.
Refering to “orange days” (Except for surprises, they should be those of December 28, 29 and 30), self-certification will be necessary if you have to travel outside your municipality or region. Unlike the red zones, in the orange zones you can move freely within your municipality, as provided in the previous Dpcm, but only from 5 to 22. At night you have to bring the self-declaration in place. In accordance with the regulations currently in force, it is also possible to leave your municipality to go shopping. The government has recently clarified that “shopping is always one of the justifications for traveling. Therefore, in the event that your municipality does not have points of sale or in the event that an adjacent municipality to yours has availability, even in terms of greater economic convenience, of the points of sale necessary for your needs, it is allowed the movement, within these limits, which must be self-certified. “But it is not excluded that the rules may change with the new decree.
At red zones on the other hand, any movement that is not carried out for reasons of work, health or necessity is prohibited. There are few exceptions: it is possible to leave the house to do the shopping or to go to the stores that are open, accompany the children to school, go jogging and take a walk in the fresh air whenever you are close to home. But to move, regardless of the time slot, you need a self-declaration. The same rules should be applied throughout Italy on the main days of the Christmas holidays: from December 24 to 27 and from January 31 to 3. As we explained at the beginning of the article, an exemption could be granted for visits to close relatives, but we are still in the field of hypotheses. We will know more in the next few hours.
Self-certification form in PDF
Exceptions to the inter-region travel ban
Self-certification will be required to move between regions from December 21 to January 6. In this period, in fact, “any movement in and out between the territories of different regions or autonomous provinces is prohibited.” The travel ban can be suspended in the following cases:
- to return to your residence, domicile or home.
- reunite with the spouse / partner if the place coincides with that of residence, domicile or home;
- spend vacations with minor children in the cases provided by law;
- to provide assistance to non-self-sufficient people;
How to complete the self-certification
In the self-certification, the signer must declare that his play is determined by:
- proven business needs
- health reasons
- other reasons allowed by current regulations or by decrees, ordinances and other measures mentioned above that define the measures to prevent the spread of infection;
It will also be necessary to indicate in the self-certification form:
- your usual address;
- a valid telephone contact;
- not be subjected to the quarantine measure or not have tested positive for Covid-19 (except for movements ordered by the health authorities);
- Be “aware of the criminal consequences provided for in the event of false statements to public officials” regulated by article 495 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
- In short, it is better to pay attention to what you declare because false certification is a crime.