Supplements for the 2020/21 school year: the Ministry provides a clarification on some passages of OM n. 60/2020 that regulates the new rules for assigning fixed-term posts.
The Ministry refers to art. 2 paragraph 4 of OM 60/2020, for which alternates may be
a) annual replacements to fill chairs and teaching positions, on the spot common or support, vacant and available before December 31and that they will presumably remain that way for the entire school year;
yes) temporary substitutes until the end of the teaching activity to cover chairs and teaching positions, either in common or in support, not vacant but in fact available, available before December 31 and until the end of the school year and for teaching hours that do not contribute to the creation of chairs or schedules;
C) temporary substitutions for any other need other than the previous cases.
a) alternates as of August 31
b) alternates as of June 30
c) temporary substitutions for needs different from those of the two cases a) and b)
The Ministry recalls immediately after art. 14 paragraph 2
“Personnel in service per alternate assigned based on the institute classifications have the right to leave this alternate to accept an alternate according to article 2, paragraph 4, letters a) and b)”
Therefore, it is possible to leave substitutes granted by the school classifications by substitution granted in vacant places or only available before December 31, June 30 or August 31.
These substitutions, we remind you, are given by GaE or GPS.
Download the note from the Ministry of September 21