When does the Covid vaccine arrive in Italy? At the end of January, 3.4 million doses, first distributed to hospitals and RSA- Corriere.it


“It seems a priority to safeguard those places that during the pandemic represented the main channel of contagion and spread of the virus, such as, for example, hospitals and nursing homes. To this end, it could be contemplated in this First phase of administration of the vaccine directly in hospitals and, through mobile units, in residential facilities for the elderly.“It is what we read in the Covid vaccination plan (you can find it here) that the emergency commissioner, Domenico Arcuri, sent to the presidents of the regions and for information to the ministers of health and regional affairs. The first vaccines, he added, “could be available already in the first months of next year.” In particular, “the Pfizer vaccine, whose validation process appears to be the most advanced to date, would allow Italy to have available by the end of January 2021 Approximately 3.4 million doses to administer to 1.7 million people.. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the destination of the citizens to whom to administer the first available doses.

For the other incoming vaccines, intended instead for all other categories of citizens, “different methods of administration will be provided, in line with ordinary vaccination management, through a large-scale campaign (eg drive-through) from people with a high level of frailty ”.

In the document sent to the governors, Arcuri finally asked the Regions to send, before November 23, the table with number and designation of hospitals and RSA. And for each hospital the number of health and non-health personnel.

November 18, 2020 (change November 18, 2020 | 22:28)

