What will December 2020 be like for Italians, and especially the Christmas period? The restrictive measures in force are for now confirmed until December 3, and as of December 4 there could be important news. If France is considering a reopening for early December, this may also happen in Italy. But we will proceed with leaden feet, it is the only certainty for the moment. If we can say that we have the epidemic under control when we have less than ten thousand cases a day and a positivity rate of less than 10%, as several experts have explained, we are still far away. But let’s see what can change in 10 days.
Dpcm December 4: what will happen at Christmas
He squares it around the new Dpcm of December 4 there is not yet, and on the movement between regions (a very sensitive issue) and the curfew (on this it will be less complicated to make a decision) finding the right balance will not be an easy task. According to some rumors, we could go towards two different Dpcm, or towards one Dpcm two stages, the first valid from December 3 to 23, 2020 while the second would be in force from December 23 until the week following the Epiphany. Hypothesis for now, many hypotheses.
The government is studying strict rules for December and for the entire Christmas holiday period through January 2021. Among the measures on view, rumor has it, are more travel restrictions and perhaps even a ski ban. There are also limits on entry to stores and bans on celebrations and banquets for the new year. For pre-Christmas purchases, there seems to be agreement on the need for extend the opening hours of stores, including shopping centers currently closed on weekends and holidays. So the malls could open on the weekend of December, at least in the yellow areas, restricting entries, especially in larger structures: not only that, it could also move towards a quota of accesses in certain streets and squares in the “hottest” shopping hours, especially in big cities.
“Extra large” curfew on December 24 and 31
Long dinners and parties are out of the question for this year, although it is very likely that in some way, and only for a few hours, the curfew will relax on the occasion of Christmas dinner (December 24) and New Year’s Eve. (December 31). There will be parties for some close friends, at home and not on the premises, which cannot be kept open in any area after 6pm, to avoid gatherings.
Everything at the moment suggests that for dinners we will proceed with the usual “strong recommendations”, without obligation, that can go in the direction of no more than 5 or 6 people sitting at the same table. Both on December 24 and 31, the hypothesis of a curfew at 22 does not seem realistic. It is easy to think that there could be a derogation until December 24 at least for those two specific dates.
Ski and ski holidays in December 2020 – January 2021
There is no official news about it, but requests from the governors of reopen the ski lifts With a new security protocol, they will most likely be disappointed. The government led by Giuseppe Conte would have every intention of avoiding the winter holidays, thinking of drastic solutions, such as keeping the ski slopes closed. On the table there would also be an initiative at the European level in this regard, with France, Austria and Germany, in order to make homogeneous decisions between country and country.
It’s best to give up your ski vacation daydreams for at least December and early January. The Regions have started working on the guidelines for the use of ski lifts in ski resorts and areas, but everything has to go through the usual process: first an approval from the Conference of the Regions and only after any governmental approval and at the CTS. . Nobody has too much hope, not even in the symbolic land of the slopes, Trentino Alto Adige. Governor Arno Kompatscher, president of the Autonomous Region, explains: “It is still premature to talk about the ski season. We hope that in January this activity can also be restarted, but everything will depend on the epidemiological trend ”.
The president of the Piedmont Region Alberto Cirio also resigned from the closure of the plants. For ski and mountain activities that will not reopen a Christmas Cirio intends to ask for a snack, because “the Christmas they represent half of the turnover of these activities. If you can’t leave, then the snack for damaged activities should be clear and safe. “Ultimately, we are already thinking about how to remedy a season without ski holidays until at least mid-January.
Gym, swimming pool, swimming center, wellness center, and spa activities are likely to remain suspended.
Dpcm December 4: limits to travel between regions?
The government’s intention would be to grant a limited reopening of borders for regions in the yellow band, to allow family reunions during the holidays. It would not only affect those who still reside or are domiciled in the other region, but also those who have their parents or spouse in that region. But the decree will be very strict. According to Walter Ricciardi, professor of hygiene at the Catholic University and advisor to the Minister of Health, “it is necessary to limit mobility. We must do whatever is necessary but, for the rest, for the next month everything else must be limited. ” Clear objective, therefore: to guarantee family reunification as much as possible, but avoid travel.