Whatever happens, the problem remains. And it goes beyond the numerical result of Wednesday’s Senate vote on the Month. Because it is clear: in the event of an accident, the crisis would open the next minute, since Sergio Mattarella could not consider it a normal misstep. The relevance of the issue, its implications on the international credibility of the country, the mechanism that would fire with Europe do so, for political value, similar to a vote of confidence, in front of which the Quirinal could not stop intervening.
However, if the numbers weren’t a problem, as the signals coming from the work around the majority motion and the readiness of the opposition MPs to rush to the rescue seem to suggest, the question cannot be filed under the heading “physiological fibrillations “. The “how” the Month will be approved will be subject to careful evaluation because on such a crucial issue one cannot be satisfied only by a frustrated accident and thanks to the fact that the night passes thanks to a patrol of available ones. But the object of careful evaluation, which is already under way, is the more general problem. Because the signs of the political “wear” of the majority are evident. And, at this point, they impose a “clarification”, out of respect for the country inclined by an extreme emergency.
It is not about formulas and rituals, but those who have a certain habit with Colle feel that this need is no longer considered postponable. Sergio Mattarella is not a man of cheeky gestures, which could introduce more elements of disorientation about how they would be interpreted. There would be all the conditions to summon the Prime Minister to the Colle and ask him how he plans to move forward to guarantee the certainty and soundness of the government in an indispensable framework, starting with the sharing of European objectives. But even if, as it seems, this will not be the formula, the implicit request for a “verification” will be delivered to Palazzo Chigi. That is, you have to find a way to untie the basic knots in most – call it what you want: check, tune, cut – and make it final. In the old days, the only way to make a firm point was to vote of confidence in the Houses on a detailed program. Be that as it may, even without sticking to the formulas, some passage must be found to fix a reboot.
It is not just about Mes, everything speaks of a progressive crisis not attributable to cynical destiny but to the elections made, or to the non-elections, ultimately to the ability of politics to be consistent with the responsibility imposed by the moment. Precisely in the most delicate phase in which the two structural data of the crisis, the economic one and the health one, require cohesion and determination, the worst vices of coalition governments are manifested: in the majority all solidarity links have been broken, the Postponement has become the ‘strategic weapon to ensure the survival of what exists, with the risk that, at every turn, the issue of a democratic fracture with public opinion will reappear in the face of a frankly incomprehensible trend that fuels mistrust and resignation , now that Italians are called to face new sacrifices. What happens in the Recovery for example, that is, in the file on which the country’s ability to rise up after the pandemic will depend, which has become the scene of a majority tension: the councils of ministers in stages, a part of the majority in flagrant disagreement with tasks and methods with which it is implemented; and then the many archives of the firm, from Alitalia to Autostrade, the perplexities of Europe.
There is not a single subject that does not reveal a dramatic difficulty. The emergency that was, in the first phase, the element that endowed the government with a ubi consistam, has become, in this second wave, the element that reveals its fragility, which runs the risk of deepening day by day the thread with the country. real. It is, without wanting to be alarmist, a red alert situation, which affects the role of the Quirinal, also because of how it was interpreted and acted by Mattarella. Because it is not a substitute, a task with respect to which the current tenant of the Colle has produced a rupture with respect to its predecessors, but precisely an action within its constitutional role. On the contrary, it represents the heart of its role, insofar as the elements that, ignored, begin to short-circuit a democratic crisis are uncovered: the risk of a third wave with “terrible” months (copyright Walter Ricciardi ), the risk of the Recovery infusion arriving late or, as a result of an uncertain path, being put in the wrong vein, the risk of de facto ungovernability.
In politics, six months are a flutter and entering the semester in white under these conditions means leaving a great unknown as a legacy. That is why it is necessary to clear the clouds now, and that is why this need is felt in the Quirinale. In the ways that the character allows and the Constitutional law imposes.