Animation in the stadium Elisabetta gregoraci. his Big Brother Vip continues in parallel with what is happening in the house of the reality show Canale 5 hosted by Alfonso Signorini, thanks to the live coverage Tik Tok with the unleashed Francesco Oppini me Enock Barwuah. Tensions continue between the walls of Cinecittà Tommaso zorzi me Dayane mello. “Tommaso is asleep, here is his Big Brother”, jokes the Brazilian model (who on Monday night hit him again on televoting), the influencer is not there and is the protagonist of a tough fight.
Former roommates watch him from home and everyone cheers him on. Obviously skin friend Oppini, who rejoices in a sprawling way as Zorzi sings them to Dayane (“Yeee, come on Tommy!”), But also Gregoreci, who in connection with Francesco and Enock waves his arms in ultrà style. from stadium to stadium. news of the altercation. A pleasant atmosphere is being prepared for Mello when he meets his colleagues again in Signorini’s studio.