Here comes the decree of Christmas, with new rules for shops, Pub me restaurants. “There is great concern among experts that our contagion curve may also increase during the holiday period,” Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said. They fear the meetings in the shopping street and queues in front of the shops, toasts in the bar and family dinners in the restaurant, hence the creation of a red zone for all of Italy on holidays and the eve of the Epiphany, with outlets and closed rooms. But not all shutters will remain closed. Here is the map of the open and closed activities on the days of the red zone, orange (December 28, 29, 30 and January 4) and yellow (December 21, 22, 23).
When the red zone starts, the food and basic necessities stores, pharmacies and parapharmacies, kiosks, tobacconists, laundries, hairdressers and barbers will remain open. On the other hand, beauticians, shopping centers, bars and restaurants are closed. That they will still be able to carry out a takeaway service from 5 to 22 hours and home deliveries at the same time. In the orange zone less strict rules: shops open until 9:00 p.m., but you won’t go to the bar and restaurant anyway: locals will only be able to work with take-out and home delivery methods from 5:00 a.m. 22:00 hours. In the three days of the yellow zone, from December 21 to 23, shops open until 9 p.m., bars and restaurants return to work, but with the obligation to turn off the lights at 6 p.m. The measures are contained in a Decree-law of only 3 articles that has been approved by the Council of Ministers after a long confrontation within the government and with the Regions. A discussion that with the approach of the holidays has become increasingly tense, with the clash between the least intransigent wing and the toughest. Which is part of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza: “The reproducibility index of the virus has risen again, it is necessary to close to stop the increase in infections,” he warns.
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The list of activities that will not stop during the Christmas period with red stamps are the same ones already included in the Dpcm of November 3, annexes 23 and 24. Below, the detailed list of stores that will remain open as reported in the decree previous. Annex 23: Retail trade in non-specialized businesses with a predominance of food products and beverages (hypermarkets, supermarkets, food discount stores, mini-markets and other non-specialized businesses of various foods). Retail sale of frozen products. Retail trade in non-specialized businesses of computers, peripherals, telecommunications equipment, audio and video consumer electronics, household appliances. Retail trade of food paints, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores (Ateco codes: 47.2), including stores specialized in the sale of electronic cigarettes and liquids for inhalation. Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores. Retail sale of computer and telecommunications equipment (ICT) in specialized stores (Ateco code: 47.4). Retail sale of hardware, paints, flat glass, and building materials (including ceramic and tile) in specialized stores.
Dpcm and soft drinks, for bars and restaurants the compensation covers only part of the damage: the lockout will cost 7 billion
Retail trade of hygienic-sanitary articles. Retail trade of machines, equipment and products for agriculture and gardening. Retail trade of items for lighting and security systems in specialized exercises. Retail sale of books in specialized stores. Retail trade of newspapers, magazines and periodicals. Retail trade of cartography articles and office supplies. Retail trade of packages and calzature for children and babies. Retail trade of personal biancheria. Retail sale of sporting goods, bicycles and leisure items in specialized stores. Sale of motor vehicles, motorcycles and related parts and accessories. Retail trade of games and toys in specialized exercises. Retail sale of drugs in specialized establishments (pharmacies and other specialized establishments of medicines not subject to medical prescription). Retail trade of medical and orthopedic articles in specialized exercises. Retail trade of cosmetics, perfumery and herbal products in specialized exercises. Retail trade of flowers, plants, bulbs, seeds and fertilizers.
Rome, restaurants closed at Christmas. Rules of chaos but reserves are booming
Retail trade of pets and food for pets in specialized exercises. Retail trade of material for optics and photography. Retail trade of fuel for domestic use and for heating. Retail trade of soaps, detersivi, produced for lucidatura and affini. Retail trade of funeral articles and cimiteriali. Itinerant retail trade of: food and beverage paints; fruits and vegetables; fish; meat; flowers, plants, bulbs, seeds and fertilizers; perfumes and cosmetics; soaps, detergents and other cleaners; linen; clothing and footwear for children and babies. Retail trade of any type of product made via internet, television, correspondence, radio, telephone. Trade carried out through vending machines. Annex 24, services for the person: Laundry and cleaning of textile and leather articles. Industrial laundry activities. Other laundries, dry cleaners. Funeral services and related activities. Hairdressing and hairdressing services.
Last update: 11:44