“The lower the polls give us, the more pleasure it will be to deny them. IT IS the litmus test will be the scene of the national battle of the senatorial seat of Sassari“. So Matteo renzi in an interview with La Stampa, he warned government allies. “It was one of the Five stars – he continued referring to the seat – that today with the Democratic Party they are nominating a Grillino engineer. We, on the other hand, are an excellent professional, Attorney Marras, who can achieve a great result. Italia Viva will be measured by the result in Tuscany and Campania but also in Sardinia: the grillinization of the Democratic Party is an opportunity for us who do not want to die from Lega Nord or even live grillini ”.
That of the former prime minister seems to be a kind of act of war against the dem and the 5 stars, also it is not ruled out that after the regional and the referendum there will be a check to the government team, on which the shadow of the remodeling: “If I look at the data, Italia Viva is the least represented party, we have three members in the government and in the Democratic Party twenty-seven, nine times more and in the Senate they only have twice as many senators. I’d have everything to gain by asking for a shakeup, but I don’t care. I think of politics, not armchairs ”. Is it really so? We will know soon, autumn is coming.