what specifically changes


The regions change color today. The Marches, Lombardy and Piedmont officially go into the orange zone, while Basilicata and Molise go into the red zone. Sardinia in the white zone: it is the first region of Italy. Let’s see what happens in Sardinia, with all the details of the new ordinance on the white zone.

Sardinia white zone: the Solinas ordinance, what changes today

The president of the Sardinia region, Christian Solinas, signed Ordinance number 4 of February 28, 2021: “New urgent extraordinary measures to combat and prevent the epidemiological spread of COVID-19 in the regional territory of Sardinia”. What is the concrete change in the white zone as of today? Restaurants open until 11pm, bars until 9pm, curfew that runs from 11.30pm to 5am.

Restaurants open until 11pm, bars until 9pm in white Sardinia

Without prejudice to the prohibition of collection, as well as compliance with personal distancing and quotas, in accordance with the guidelines for the reopening of current economic and productive activities, with the possibility of modulating their exercise by increasing or decreasing, according to epidemiology. Trend of the pandemic, as of March 1, 2021, the following activities are allowed to reopen throughout the regional territory – with the exception of the areas specifically prohibited by union ordinances, after the declaration of risk of viral spread:

  • Catering, with shops open until 11pm;
  • Bars, pubs, cafes and the like, with shops open until 9:00 pm;

There are no specific decisions about gyms, museums and shopping centers on the weekends. In relation to the progress of the epidemiological indicators evaluated after these reopening, with subsequent specific ordinances – in accordance with the institutional technical table composed of representatives of the Ministry of Health, Higher Institute of Health and the Region of Sardinia – they may be reopened, with the prescriptions necessary, the following activities:

  • gyms, dance schools (no contact);
  • shopping centers on Saturdays and Sundays;
  • museums and places of culture.

White zone: curfew from 11:30 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. in Sardinia

Unless the local Health Authorities adopt more restrictive measures within the scope of their competence, it is forbidden to move and / or stop outside one’s residence and / or home from 11:30 p.m. each day until 5:00 a.m. the next (curfew). ).

It remains the obligation to use, throughout the region and throughout the day, respiratory protection also outdoors, in the spaces belonging to places and premises open to the public, as well as in public spaces where, due to their physical characteristics, the Meeting formation, even spontaneous and / or occasional ones, are easier. Children under 6 years of age, as well as people with disabilities, are not subject to the obligation.

Any form of gathering is prohibited, with special reference to parking in spaces in front of schools of all levels, squares, public roads, walkways and viewpoints, in which an interpersonal distance of at least one meter must be maintained. For everything that is not expressly regulated by this ordinance, express reference is made to the DPCM of January 14, 2021.

Given the persistence of the curfew, although reduced, self-certification for night trips is also required in March 2021. For other types of trips, it should no longer be requested in case of control.

Download the white zone ordinance in Sardinia

Ordinance White Zone Sardinia-2

Sardinia in the white zone: download ordinance 4 of February 28, 2021 with all the details

Solinas to Draghi: “Vaccinate all Sardinians within 45 days”

The provisions of the ordinance produce their effects from March 1, 2021 until March 15, 2021, except for an explicit extension and except for other different prescriptions, even of the opposite sign, that may be necessary depending on the trend of the curve. diffusion. virus. The governor also announced that he will ask Prime Minister Mario Draghi for a fast track to vaccinate all Sardinians within 45 days and consolidate the island on the Covid-free path.

“Sardinia is the first white region of Italy, I think it can become a model and a laboratory for the whole country – he said -. That is why I will write to President Draghi asking for an extraordinary commitment, also given the small number of the population, in order to initiate a great vaccination campaign that will allow the entire population of the island to be immunized in the next 30 to 45 days ”. The white zone, he recalled, “is a great result achieved thanks to the sacrifice of all Sardinians, of the health personnel engaged in this battle against the virus, and with all the more reason we must feel the responsibility of maintaining this result.” Therefore, “we must not lower our guard.”

Zona bianca, Vella: “In Sardinia it is the right time to vaccinate the entire population”

“In Sardinia it is the right time to vaccinate the entire population, taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the white zone. In countries where vaccinations are going very well, such as England or Israel, they have started the campaign in full lockdown ”. Infectious disease specialist and university professor Stefano Vella tells Adnkronos, accepting the request of the President of the Region, Christian Solinas, for an extraordinary commitment by the Government to vaccinate the entire Sardinian population within 30 days, to starting today officially in the white zone. Vella clarifies immediately that “the white zone does not mean that the virus is no longer circulating, but that it is at very low levels. However, we must maintain our attention and act with caution.” The variants of Covid 19, adds the infectious diseases specialist, “for now they have little influence, the vaccines are working and that is also why I think that Sardinia should seize this opportunity and use them immediately.”

White area. “The Regions in whose territories the weekly incidence of infections is less than 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants for three consecutive weeks and which are in a type 1 scenario, with a low risk level.”

Lombardy, Marche and Piedmont from today in the orange zone

As of Monday, March 1, three regions return to the orange zone. Then the rules change again. And for some municipalities, those of the reinforced orange and red bands are added. The curfew is in effect from 10 pm to 5 am During this time it is prohibited to leave the house except for proven reasons of health, work and need. The fine for detainees and without just cause ranges between 400 and a thousand euros. In the orange zone it is forbidden to leave the municipality itself, except for work reasons, to go to school, for health reasons and justified need. In municipalities with a population of no more than 5,000 inhabitants, you can leave your municipality up to 30 kilometers away, but not to reach the provincial capital.

The new colors of the regions as of March 1 and what can and cannot be done in the different territories

It is prohibited to move from one region to another except for work and health reasons and for proven needs. If you have a second home outside your municipality of residence or outside the region, it can be accessed unless you are in a municipality or region in the ‘improved orange’ or ‘red’ band. However, it is forbidden to accommodate people who do not belong to the cohabiting family in second homes. To justify the trip to other regions or municipalities other than the one of residence, domicile or domicile, as well as to justify the night trip, it will be necessary to present a self-declaration. Table service and face-to-face service are prohibited on the premises, it is only allowed to take out food until 6 pm in bars and until 10 pm in restaurants, while home delivery has no time limit.

Starting tomorrow, Tuesday, March 2, and for two weeks, the dark orange zone will extend to all the municipalities of Ausl Romagna, excluding those of the district of Forlì, and therefore those of the provinces of Rimini and Ravenna and Cesena. Then March opens with the peninsula divided into 4 colors: Yellow Zone – Calabria, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Puglia, Sicily, Aosta Valley, Veneto; Orange zone: Abruzzo, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Lombardy, Marche, Piedmont, Tuscany, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Autonomous Province of Trento, Umbria; Red zone – Basilicata, Molise; White zone – Sardinia. Beyond the general rules for areas of different colors, individual regions have adopted ordinances related to schools.

In Basilicata, Governor Vito Bardi signed the provision that provides for integrated digital education from 1 to 5 March: “ The decision was made to close schools, which was fully shared by all actors of the crisis unit – says the governor of Lucan – following the transmission speed found in some outbreaks recorded in some Lucanian schools. We are aware of the serious inconveniences this closure entails for families and especially for the younger generations, but the decision was made to minimize the risk of even greater consequences derived from virus infection. We trust, as always, in the behavior of citizens based on maximum respect for the rules to prevent the so-called third wave from canceling what has been done to date, ” he said. According to the provision, “primary and lower secondary schools adopt flexible forms in the organization of didactic and educational activities so that one hundred percent of the activities are carried out through the use of integrated digital teaching.”

The president of the Campania region, Vincenzo De Luca, has signed an ordinance until March 14 that provides for the suspension of teaching activities in the presence of educational services for children and in schools of all levels, as well as in universities. However, the ordinance signed by the president of the Campania region, Vincenzo De Luca, provides for the realization in the presence of activities aimed at students with special educational needs or disabilities “after the evaluation, by the school, of the specific conditions of the context and in any case guaranteeing the online connection with the students of the class who are in distance training. ”” Avoid all occasions of contact with people outside your home that are not strictly necessary and stay at home the as long as possible “, is the recommendation contained in the ordinance signed by the president of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca.

The colors of the regions in early March 2021: red, orange and yellow zone

Therefore, the situation in Italy as of today, Monday, will be as follows:

IN ROSSA AREA: Basilicata and Molise

IN ORANGE ZONE: Piedmont, Lombardy, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Autonomous Province of Trento, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Marche, Abruzzo, Campania

IN THE YELLOW ZONE: Valle d’Aosta, Liguria, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Puglia, Calabria, Sicily


What about the movements between the regions at Easter and the exceptions to move with self-certification?

When you need self-certification to travel in regions that change color
