what remains open in the red areas with the lock. The complete list of stores in pdf- Corriere.it


The new emergency shutdown in red zones closes many, but not all business activities. Although open air markets and shopping centers will be closed during the weekends even in the so-called green areas, safe from the coronavirus infection curve, in the areas most affected by the pandemic, several stores will remain open, starting by grocery stores and pharmacies.

Annexes to the new Dpcm that regulates the confinement regime (here the text published in the Official Gazette) are two fundamental documents that precisely indicate the commercial establishments that may keep the signs open. These are, for example, computer stores, kiosks and bookstores, children’s shoes and laundries. But also tobacconists, hardware stores, perfumeries and sports shops, bicycles and leisure products. Barbers and hairdressers will remain open, as will laundries. Here, scrolling through the pdf, you can find the full list of businesses saved by the new lock.
