Finally, after exhausting disputes between the government and the Regions and members of the same majority, the last -but only in order of time- Dpcm with the restrictions to stop the Covid-19 race, which yesterday however registered a slight See more slowly, return below the psychological threshold of 30 thousand new cases in 24 hours. But the numbers worry only those in intensive care, especially in Lombardy, where the number of available beds is now being cut in half. It is not surprising that also the hospital situation will be a factor used by the Ministry of Health to distinguish between Regions red zones, orange zones and green zones. In the latter, only national restrictions will be in force (curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., public transport capacity reduced to 50%, museum and shopping center closures on weekends, mandatory smart working, stop at public competitions and cruises ). While in the red and orange areas there will be strong limitations that will touch the lock of March.
What will happen in the red zone regions?
The new Dpcm establishes that in the regions of the red zone they must close all stores (including hairdressers, barbers and beauticians), markets, bar activities, ice cream parlors, patisseries and restaurants (Except for home delivery, it is allowed to carry until 10:00 p.m.). Kiosks, tobacconists, pharmacies, parapharmacies, industries, crafts, construction and services will remain open, as well as primary and sixth grade schools. As in spring, motor activity will be allowed again “in the vicinity of the house”. and with the obligation of mask and sports activity “exclusively outdoors and individually”. IT IS self-certification will return: You can leave home only for “proven work needs or situations of need or health reasons. It will not be possible to leave the municipality of residence. and less of everything leave or enter these regions: “It is forbidden – reads the draft – any movement within and outside the territories” as well as “within the same territories.” The provision to stop the circulation, which will be approved by ordinance of the Minister of Health, may affect “entire regions or parts of them.”